This assignment started in November 2007 and ended in February 2008. Due to the topic of
this assignment and the huge possibilities embedded within, I found it quite challenging at the
beginning to find an appropriate example of a leader.
In the end I decided to write this case about someone, who is well known, controversially
discussed and not only a person but also a personality – Vladimir Putin.
A man who is not certain where to look about, rather shy, on the right hand side of this 187
cm giant Boris Jelzin. Vladimir Putin’s posture is hesitant and observant. This picture was
taken 9 years ago in 1999.
In this assignment we will learn who he was, who he became and who he is and what impact
he had on his country - Russia.
The key data for Russia are amazing. One can conclude from the size (17.075.400 square
kilometres with 142.400.000 inhabitants with eleven time zones) of the country, the
billionaires and the poor, the history and power of this state, that a lot can be achieved – for
the good or for the worse.
If we have a short look at the recent political history of Russia before Putin was elected
president, we are faced with Boris Jelzin. A great man in size, but weak in politics.
The cultural history which emerged throughout the last decades is assertiveness - almost
aggressiveness – an effective way to work oneself up the social ladder. Another trade is the
in-group collectivism and gender egalitarianism. (page 310, Leadership – Theory and
Practice, Peter G. Northouse, SAGE). Especially the trait of in-group collectivism will be a
necessary stepping-stone for Putin’s career.
Putin's well-calculated steps, from the beginning of his political career to the peak of his carrer is described and shows who is pulling the strings behind the political stage of Russia.
His leadership style is analysed against various leadership theories.
The recent events (May 2008) support the trend which is analysed in this case.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Preface
- Who is Vladimir “Vladimirovich” Putin? - Introduction
- Vladimir Putin – in brief
- Russia and his family – Putin's background
- Milestones in Putin's career
- Is Vladimir Putin a manager or a leader?
- What kind of leader is Putin?
- Who are his stakeholders?
- What is his leadership style?
- The three phases of leadership
- Transformational leadership
- Bennis and Nanus
- Team-building and power
- Success stories and failures within seven years
- Success stories
- Is he good in what he is?
- Is class-book leadership knowledge applicable and practicable in Russia?
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This assignment aims to analyze Vladimir Putin's leadership style, examining his career trajectory and impact on Russia. It explores whether established leadership theories apply to his context and assesses his successes and failures.
- Evolution of Putin's leadership style
- Application of leadership theories to Putin's case
- Impact of Putin's leadership on Russia
- Analysis of Putin's successes and failures
- The influence of Russia's unique political and cultural context on Putin's leadership
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Preface: This preface details the selection of Vladimir Putin as the subject of the case study, highlighting the challenges in choosing an appropriate leader for analysis from a wide range of influential figures. The author explains the decision-making process, emphasizing Putin's global recognition, controversial nature, and the multifaceted aspects of his persona, which made him an ideal case study for exploring leadership in a complex political landscape. The assignment's objective is clearly stated, promising to address specific questions set by the module leader and to provide executive summaries where relevant.
Who is Vladimir “Vladimirovich” Putin? - Introduction: This introductory chapter begins by presenting a visual image of a younger Vladimir Putin alongside Boris Yeltsin, setting the stage for an exploration of Putin's transformation from a relatively unknown figure to a prominent world leader. The chapter delves into Putin's background, providing biographical details and contextualizing his rise within the larger historical and political landscape of Russia. The immense size and diverse nature of Russia, with its stark contrasts between wealth and poverty, are highlighted as significant factors influencing the country's political dynamics and leadership styles. The chapter also introduces the legacy of Boris Yeltsin, contrasting his physical stature with his perceived political weakness, setting the scene for a comparison with Putin's approach to leadership. The chapter further touches on elements of Russia's cultural and economic history, referencing the work of Anna Politkovskaya, to explain the conditions that fostered Putin's ascent.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Vladimir Putin, leadership, Russia, political leadership, transformational leadership, case study, leadership styles, successes, failures, Russian politics, post-Soviet Russia, power, stakeholders.
Frequently Asked Questions: Vladimir Putin - A Case Study in Leadership
What is the overall purpose of this document?
This document provides a comprehensive preview of a case study analyzing Vladimir Putin's leadership style. It includes a table of contents, objectives and key themes, chapter summaries, and keywords. The study aims to examine Putin's career, impact on Russia, the applicability of established leadership theories to his context, and his successes and failures.
What topics are covered in the "Table of Contents"?
The table of contents outlines the structure of the case study. It includes sections on Putin's introduction and background, an analysis of his leadership style (including a breakdown of phases, transformational leadership, and team building), an evaluation of his successes and failures, and a discussion on the applicability of leadership theories within the Russian context.
What are the key objectives and themes of the case study?
The main objective is to analyze Vladimir Putin's leadership style throughout his career and its impact on Russia. Key themes include the evolution of his leadership style, the application of leadership theories to his case, the impact of his leadership on Russia, an analysis of his successes and failures, and the influence of Russia's political and cultural context.
What does the preface cover?
The preface explains the rationale behind choosing Vladimir Putin as the subject of the case study, highlighting the challenges in selecting a suitable leader from numerous influential figures. It emphasizes Putin's global impact, controversial nature, and multifaceted personality, making him a compelling subject for leadership analysis in a complex political environment. The preface also reiterates the study's objectives and promises executive summaries where relevant.
What is included in the introduction chapter ("Who is Vladimir “Vladimirovich” Putin?")?
The introduction provides biographical details of Vladimir Putin, contextualizing his rise to power within Russia's historical and political landscape. It contrasts Putin's trajectory with that of Boris Yeltsin, highlighting the size and diversity of Russia, and the stark contrasts within the country. The chapter also discusses elements of Russian cultural and economic history to explain the conditions that contributed to Putin's ascent.
What are the key chapter summaries provided?
The document provides a summary of the preface and the introductory chapter. The preface explains the choice of Putin as a case study and the study's objectives. The introduction provides an overview of Putin’s background, his rise to power, and the context of his leadership within Russia’s history and culture.
What keywords are associated with this case study?
The keywords include: Vladimir Putin, leadership, Russia, political leadership, transformational leadership, case study, leadership styles, successes, failures, Russian politics, post-Soviet Russia, power, and stakeholders.
- Quote paper
- Diplom-Betrieswirtin (BA) Christine Wischlitzki (Author), 2008, Wladimir Putin Leadership, Munich, GRIN Verlag,