The Fashion Industry and Its Use of Public Relations Tools

Hausarbeit (Hauptseminar), 2014

9 Seiten, Note: 1,7


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The main focus of this paper is the fashion industry, and its use of public relations tools, such as fashion blogs and applications like Instagram. Fashion blogs are frequently linked to Instagram pages to reach and attract more customers as well as increase customers' satisfaction.

The modern business world in the 21st century could not be as prevailing and profound as it is without the use of new technologies; it is a major advantage for every business including the Fashion market. Information technologies enable business owners and their employees to stay in touch with customers, business partners and intermediate bearing while out of the office. Cell phones allow individuals easy access to e-mails, open software applications (apps) and social network platforms. Companies are able to save costs when it comes to promotion, improve services, and attract new customers easily.

By analyzing the needs of customers, understanding shortfalls in business which need to be corrected, and by listening to millions of bloggers worldwide; it becomes easier to create exactly what customer XY wants today. More than 100 million bloggers are communicating, sharing their experiences of products, services, and other topics. These bloggers have the power to influence ordinary people's decisions. The use of blogs creates a new branch of public relations, a new strategy to attract customers, and to influence buying decisions. This feedback from bloggers worldwide is the best, honest, fastest, and easiest public relation tool an industry may get.


The Fashion Industry and Its Use of Public Relations Tools
Universität Siegen
ISBN (eBook)
fashion, industry, public, relations, tools
Arbeit zitieren
Anonym, 2014, The Fashion Industry and Its Use of Public Relations Tools, München, GRIN Verlag,


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