The impact of urban expansion on tenure security of peri-urban areas. The case of Wolaita Soddo Town, Southern Ethiopia

Hausarbeit, 2020

16 Seiten

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

This study is carried out to assess the impact of urban expansion on tenure security peri-urban areas. Tenure insecurity and livelihood problems due to urban expansion is more significant in the developing countries than the developed countries in the urban periphery. Ethiopia have created mounting competition for peri-urban land located adjacent to towns and cities by people of diverse backgrounds. As a result of these; pressures and rapid socio-economic problems has been occurred. Therefore, this paper is aimed to assess the impacts of urban expansion on tenure security the communities around Wolaita soddo town. Descriptive research designs as well a qualitative and quantitative research approaches were employed. Both probability and non-probability sampling method were used to get potential respondents and sample size was determined using sampling distribution of proportion method, hence 120 HHs were selected (85% (102) male and 15% (18) female HHs). Based on collected data the analysis was done using software like SPSS and Microsoft Excel and data were presented by different data presentation tools like tables and graphs.


The impact of urban expansion on tenure security of peri-urban areas. The case of Wolaita Soddo Town, Southern Ethiopia
Bahir Dar University
ISBN (eBook)
urban expansion, security, tenure security, peri-urban areas, Wolaita Soddo Town, Ethiopia
Arbeit zitieren
Zerihun Lemma (Autor:in), 2020, The impact of urban expansion on tenure security of peri-urban areas. The case of Wolaita Soddo Town, Southern Ethiopia, München, GRIN Verlag,


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