
Presentation / Essay (Pre-University), 1999

2 Pages, Grade: 2+ (B)



Australia has only been known to "the world" for about 400 years. It was discovered in 1605 by mistake by the Dutch sailor Willem Jansz during a trip to New Guinea. In the 1770ies the British explorer James Cook sailed to the area. He found Australia’s east coast and made a British claim on the land he found. He called it New South Wales. The European sailors who landed on the coasts of the newly discovered continent met people who called themselves Kooris. Koori tribes have lived in Australia for more than 40,000 years. The sailors called them "Aborigines." Originally, the Aborigines came from somewhere in Asia. This was at a time when there was an almost continous land bridge between Asia and Australia.

During the first half of the 19th century the British established new colonies in Australia. This led to confrontations with the Kooris who wanted to defend their land and culture. The Aborigines were hunters and collectors, which means that the hunted, fished and collected fruit and vegetables from nature to get food. More than 200 different languages were spoken and almost all Aborigines were bilingual or multilingual. There may have been about 500 different tribes of these native people. The Aborigines had no chiefs or other centralized institutions of political control. The Aborigines divided the year into five to eight seasons marked by the different climatic conditions. It is estimated that there were approximately 300,000 to 1 million Aborigines living in Australia when the British came to the continent.

The British saw Australia as a rich country ideal for farming, agriculture and animal husbandry. When they started building large farms and keeping animals there, the Aborigines kept on living as they had always done. They continued to hunt and collect as the grandfathers and grand- grand-fathers did. The white settlers took ever more land away from the Aborigines. This lead to confrontations between the British and the Aborigines. Since the British weapon technology was superior to the spears of the Aborigines, the British won almost all the fights and battles, and the Kooris were almost wiped out.

Many of the Aborigines were killed, and the remaining were forced to adapt to the British way of life. They were forced to work as helping hands and servants at farms owned by whites or to move to the cities to work in industrial factories.

In the early 20th century, the white Australian population started to become more aware of the Aborigines' situation. Special reservations were established where the aboriginal tribes could live like they had done before the British invasion. However, these reservations were often too small. There were also only a few of them so that only a small percentage of the Aborigines had a chance to live there. Therefore, the Aborigines continued to live under poor conditions and they continued to fade in numbers.

In 1940, there were only about 35 thousand Aborigines left in Australia.

Today only about 1% of Australia’s population are Aborigines. The government is trying to make their living standards better but most of them still belong to the poorest group in society. Their unemployment rate is more than six times the national average, and the average wage for Aborigines is half the average national wage.

Excerpt out of 2 pages


2+ (B)
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ISBN (eBook)
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320 KB
Quote paper
Kira Homola (Author), 1999, Australia/Aborigines, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


  • Jana B. on 9/28/2010

    hi, das ist ein super gutes Referat! Vielen Dank dafür ;)

    Und danke Marcel H. für diese Zusammenfassung :)

  • guest on 3/14/2010

    hey, echt super das du dein referat im internet veröffentlicht hast.
    Für die die es bisschen kürzer haben wollen hab ich hier noch was ;)
    - Between 1910 and 1970 100,000 Aborginal childreen were taken from their families. They were put with white families and grew up as whites. The reason why many Aborigines have problems today is that the Europeans who arrived in the eighteenth century brought with illness and alcohol ; they took the land from the Aborigines and then they even destroyed their families.

  • guest on 11/16/2008


    heey danke füür deinen eintrag=) morgen muss ich referat halten und deine infos ham mir echt gut heholfen!! :D
    vlg dani

  • guest on 2/4/2008


    vielen vielen dank hat mir echt geholfen...

  • guest on 1/12/2004


    ich glaub, die sache hilft mir, aber fehlt nicht ein bissl viel? wo sind die quellen und wo ist da ne gleiderung? sorry, aber das brauchen wir in der 9. gymi!


  • guest on 1/12/2004


    hi! werds mir jetzt gleich ma ansehen! muss auch nen vortrag in englisch über die netten letz halten...hoffe ist gut! danke im voraus!

    ps. vielleicht kann mir einer von euch allen die darüber schon was machen mussten helfe?

  • guest on 10/17/2002


    Danke Kira.
    Dein Vortrag wird mir sehr helfen.
    Grüsse, Toni

  • guest on 5/27/2002


    danke, werde ich gut für meinen vortrag gebrauchen können, nich schlecht!

  • guest on 3/18/2002

    Echt gut....

    Hey! Vielen Dank für das gute Referat, und dann auch noch auf Englisch... perfect! :-) LG, Maren

  • guest on 5/8/2001


    hey, tausend dank!
    ich hab mich voll gefreunt als ich hier ein referat über die aborigines entdeckt habe!

  • guest on 4/15/2001


    Danke Kira.
    Dein Vortrag hat mir sehr geholfen.
    Kam sogar eine 1 raus dabei.
    Grüsse, Micha

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