This essay compares William Shakespeare's comedies "The Comedy of Errors" and "Twelfth Night" with regard to the characters' identity struggles. Both plays feature main characters who are twins. The plot of "The Comedy of Errors" focuses on the topic of mistaken identity, which causes the main characters to question their sense of self. The theme of mistaken identity also plays a role in "Twelfth Night". Additionally, this play raises questions about gender and traditional gender roles.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Identity in Shakespeare's Comedies
- The Comedy of Errors
- Egeon's Family and the Double Motif
- Separation and Union: The Syracusan Twins
- Familiarity and Strangeness: The Ephesian Twins
- Disguise and Transformation: Madness and Imprisonment
- Twelfth Night
- The Impact of the Tempest
- Viola's Identity and the Role of Gender
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This essay examines the themes of identity, separation, and union in Shakespeare's comedies, specifically focusing on "The Comedy of Errors" and "Twelfth Night." The essay analyzes how the presence of twins, who are separated by a shipwreck and reunited later, impacts their sense of self and their relationships with others. The essay also considers how themes of disguise and transformation contribute to the characters' struggle with their identity.
- The concept of identity and its subjective and objective aspects.
- The motif of the double and its significance in the plays.
- The impact of separation and union on the twins' identity.
- The interplay of familiarity and strangeness in the experiences of the characters.
- The role of disguise and transformation in shaping individual identity.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The essay begins by exploring the concept of "identity" and the motif of the double, using "The Comedy of Errors" as a case study. It examines the experiences of Egeon, the father of the twins, and the Antipholus twins, both in their separation and their eventual reunion. The analysis focuses on how their experiences of mistaken identity and confusion contribute to a crisis of self. The essay then shifts its focus to "Twelfth Night," discussing how the twins Viola and Sebastian are impacted by their separation. The essay highlights how Viola's experience of assuming a male disguise and her interaction with others challenge traditional notions of gender and identity.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The essay focuses on key concepts and terms including identity, the double, separation, union, familiarity, strangeness, disguise, transformation, mistaken identity, gender, and the impact of these themes on the characters' lives in Shakespeare's comedies "The Comedy of Errors" and "Twelfth Night".
- Quote paper
- M.A. Silvia Schilling (Author), 2019, Identity Struggles in William Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors" and "Twelfth Night", Munich, GRIN Verlag,