Welcome to the jungle. The three most dominant sustainability reporting frameworks and their ability to truly inform share- and stakeholders about the sustainability performance of a company

Masterarbeit, 2020

48 Seiten, Note: 1,3



List of tables

List of abbreviations

1. Introduction

2. Research Objective

3. Development of the sustainability movement for companies
3.1. Link between Sustainability and CSR
3.2. Link between Sustainability and ESG

4. Reporting on Sustainability
4.1. Organizations
4.2. Countries
4.3. Rating Agencies
5. Most Dominant Reporting Frameworks

5.1. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
5.2. Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
5.3. Task-Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

6. Share- and Stakeholders
6.1. Definition
6.2. Information demand representatives
6.2.1. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
6.2.2. European Union (EU)
6.2.3. BlackRock
6.2.4. Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM)

7. Analysis on how sustainability reporting frameworks meet information needs
7.1. View on materiality
7.1.1. View on materiality - GRI
7.1.2. View on materiality - SASB
7.1.3. View on materiality - TCFD
7.2. Sustainability performance information
7.2.1. Sustainability Performance - GRI
7.2.2. Sustainability Performance - SASB
7.2.3. Sustainability Performance - TCFD

8. Result and Discussion

9. Conclusion

Reference list/ Bibliography

Appendix 1: UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Appendix 2: Double Materiality Perspective of the European Union

Appendix 3: Mapping table of the SDGs to the reporting framework categories

Appendix 4: Mapping table of the SDGs to the GRI Performance Indicators

Appendix 5: SDGs mapping table GRI to share- and stakeholders

Appendix 6: SDGs mapping table SASB to share- and stakeholders

Appendix 7: SDGs mapping table TCFD to share- and stakeholders

Ende der Leseprobe aus 48 Seiten


Welcome to the jungle. The three most dominant sustainability reporting frameworks and their ability to truly inform share- and stakeholders about the sustainability performance of a company
Hamburg School of Business Administration gGmbH
Executive Master of Business Administration - Sustainability reporting frameworks for businesses
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
Sustainability, Reporting, GRI, SASB, TCFD, CDSB, UN SDGs, WWF, BlackRock, NBIM, EU, Reporting framework, Non-financial reporting, Materiality, Triple-Bottom Line, Double Materiality, Sustainability performance, Shareholder, Stakeholder, ESG, Environment, Social, Governance, CSR
Arbeit zitieren
Saskia Dorbandt (Autor:in), 2020, Welcome to the jungle. The three most dominant sustainability reporting frameworks and their ability to truly inform share- and stakeholders about the sustainability performance of a company, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/974480


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Titel: Welcome to the jungle. The three most dominant sustainability reporting frameworks and their ability to truly inform share- and stakeholders about the sustainability performance of a company

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