The Concept of Murabbi. Its Religious Construct and Social Philosophy

Essay, 2013

8 Seiten

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

This paper analyzed the concept of al-Murabbi in Islamic religious tradition, as invented in the Qur’an and performed by the Prophet (saw) and his companions (rad). Al-Murabbi denotes a wholesome teacher, comprehensive and balanced, cultured and well-mannered as opposed to al-Mu‘allim in western construct. The task of al-Murabbi includes perfecting moral vision and instilling holistic worldviews and integrating the refined quality of al-Mu’addib. The paper illustrates the role al-Murabbi from Islamic standpoints describing its significance and intrinsic nature, which concern the multilateral relation of human and its society and environment and analyzing some contemporary development and understanding of the concept in Islamic schools and universities.

This paper discusses the significant position and role of al-Murabbi in society. The principle meaning of al-Murabbi in Islamic term was fundamentally important in this exposition that it provides different ideas and understanding from western notion and construct. Since early and medieval times the notion of al-Murabbi has been expounded by Islamic scholars such as Imam Abu Hanifa (d. 150 H), al-Farahidi (d. 175 H), Sahnun (d. 240 H)[...] who presented and articulated the principle meaning and construction of the concept from Islamic standpoint.

In this paper, the basic element and philosophy of Islamic education will be critically analyzed, followed by a brief discussion on the conceptual framework of al-Murabbi, its philosophy and ideals as significantly differed from western ideology. This will be followed by major discussion on the universal role of al-Murabbi in the Muslim ummah, and its modern practiced in Islamic universities.


The Concept of Murabbi. Its Religious Construct and Social Philosophy
ISBN (eBook)
al-Murabbi, Tarbiyyah, Ta‘lim and Ta’dib, spiritual and ethical nurturing, instilling humane values
Arbeit zitieren
Dr. Ahmad Nabil Amir (Autor:in), 2013, The Concept of Murabbi. Its Religious Construct and Social Philosophy, München, GRIN Verlag,


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