Emotional Contagion, Moral Responsibility and Punishment. Why Membership Diminishes Responsibility

Master's Thesis, 2014

92 Pages, Grade: 2,0

Abstract or Introduction

In this paper I will outline a framework for thinking about moral responsibility in collective context in order to challenge penal code regulations that penalise more severely joint offenders. I will do so by referring to findings of emotional contagion, i.e. the unconscious exchange of emotions between subjects. I will argue that this contagion undermines agency, and thus, show that the mere presence of others diminishes responsibility for harm done.

My argument proceeds in four steps. First, I will illustrate a scenario representing the type of cases I am considering here (I). These will be cases in which two or more individuals bring about harm. Second, I will evaluate them legally by applying German and British penal law (II). I will argue that most penal codes discriminate joint offenders as opposed to sole perpetrators. Third, I will argue that legal punishment presupposes agency (III). I will begin by arguing that punishment, in order to be principled, must be assigned proportionally to moral responsibility. Afterwards, I shall highlight the significance of agency for moral and legal responsibility. Fourth, I shall provide a framework for thinking about moral responsibility in collective contexts (IV).

According to this, the mere presence of others reduces moral responsibility for harm done. I will introduce May's account of shared responsibility. According to this, sharing harmful attitudes qualifies for being held responsible for harm done by another person. Thereafter, I shall derive my own account of shared responsibility. Instead of attitudes and their effect on others, I shall focus on emotions and illustrate how one's emotions can affect others' behaviour. I will do so in two steps. First, I will outline what emotions are and how they affect our behaviour. Second, I will illustrate how emotions are transferred among individuals. Finally, I shall address the moral and legal implications of my findings.


Emotional Contagion, Moral Responsibility and Punishment. Why Membership Diminishes Responsibility
University of Bayreuth
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moral responsibility, emotional contagion, punishment, responsibility, membership, group responsibility, philosophy, Larry May, Antonio Damasio
Quote paper
Marius Kempf (Author), 2014, Emotional Contagion, Moral Responsibility and Punishment. Why Membership Diminishes Responsibility, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/990800


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