Alexander Ayertey Odonkor


Alexander Ayertey Odonkor is an economic consultant, author, chartered financial analyst and a chartered economist with an in-depth understanding of the economic landscape of economies in Asia and Africa.

Alexander's multidisciplinary research works which focuses distinctively on Asia and Africa have been published by the Public Debt Management Network (an initiative of OECD, Italian Treasury and the World Bank Group), International Water Management Institute, The World Financial Review, The Diplomat, Pakistan Today, The Nation, University of Michigan, Global Business Review, Business and Financial Times and many other reputable financial newspapers and research institutions.

Alexander Ayertey Odonkor has carried out the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) programme on Financial Programming and Policies - with a master's degree in finance and a bachelor's degree in economics and finance, Alexander has also completed postgraduate programmes in economics, mining, entrepreneurship, real estate development, risk management, electronic trading on financial markets and business model implementation at Harvard University, Curtin University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Delft University of Technology, New York Institute of Finance, Babson College and the University of Adelaide, respectively.

Über mich

★Author ★Chartered Financial Analyst ★Chartered Economist ★Business Model Architect


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Autor: Alexander Ayertey Odonkor

eBooks 1
Institution / Hochschule Harvard University
Berufsstand SCHOLAR
Angelegt am 25.3.2017