Jason West


I would describe myself as hardworking young modern professional that is currently working on my aspirations in life. I spend almost all of my time developing myself further in terms of skill and ability. I work my socks off 24/7 having two jobs, managing a personal blog, and working with a team to develop my brainchild of a collaborative music platform. My aim for the next three years is to create and solidify a reputable personal brand in the tech industry.

I am currently the Social media marketing manager at Acklam Car Centre and a Junior accounts preparation assistant at the Sedgefield branch of The Bailey Group. Each role has enabled me to develop key skills such as all forms of communication, sales technique, confidence in my abilities, and professionalism. I am also a bachelor of Business with Finance, graduating from The University of Northumbria, Newcastle in 2015. Whilst in attendance, I became obsessed with the idea of being an entrepreneur and joined the NUOVO Society (Northumbria's entrepreneur society). I had my first run at a start up founding my first company aged 18. The Uni Store provided student essentials such as IT equipment and stationary. Unfortunately as many first time entrepreneurs, this idea collapsed. I have taken on board the mistakes I had made back then and hope to become a stronger entrepreneur in my next venture, so do keep a look out!

Über mich

I would describe myself as hardworking young modern professional that is currently working on my aspirations in life. I spend almost all of my time developing myself further in terms of skill and ability.


Beschäftigt bei
The Bailey Group, Acklam Car Centre
Angelegt am
Karrierenetzwerk (z.B. XING, LinkedIn) o.Ä.
Ich biete
Tax planning, bookkeeping, Social Media, Marketing
Höchster Abschluss
Bachelor of Arts Business with Finance

Texte (1)

Autor: Jason West

eBooks 1
Beschäftigt bei The Bailey Group, Acklam Car Centre
Berufsstand EMPLOYEE
Angelegt am 11.4.2017