Timothy Mwangi Nduru

Über mich

Timothy Nduru is a supply chain specialist, author, researcher, tutor and a mentor with great interest in sharing knowledge. He is also a passionate entrepreneur and the current CEO of Greenvent General Supplies Ltd.


Beschäftigt bei
fiverr, upwork, Dekut, CEO Greenvent General LTD
Angelegt am
Karrierenetzwerk (z.B. XING, LinkedIn) o.Ä.
Ich biete
special Knowledge on supply chain issues, research, project management research, strategic management, reseach frelencer
Höchster Abschluss
Bachelors Degree in Purschasing and supply management, Currently pursuing MSC Supply Chain Management
Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Risk and Fraud Management, Procurement, Logistics

Texte (2)

Autor: Timothy Mwangi Nduru

eBooks 2
Institution / Hochschule Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Beschäftigt bei fiverr, upwork, Dekut, CEO Greenvent General LTD
Berufsstand SCHOLAR
Angelegt am 26.1.2019