Mr Ayodeji Akeju


Ayodeji Akeju is a doctoral student at Antioch University New England. prior to this he worked in various aspects of the business and built environment in Nigeria, winning an Excellence Award (Nigerian Top Executive in the Tourism and Environment Industry) in 2015 and the Murray J. Fox Scholarship (in recognition of and support for my circular economy research) in 2019.

Über mich

Ayodeji is a Ph.D. student. Prior to this, he worked in various aspects of the business & built environment in Nigeria. I am passionate about solid waste management and Environmental Justice in low-income communities.


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Texte (4)

Autor: Mr Ayodeji Akeju

eBooks 4
Institution / Hochschule Antioch University New England
Berufsstand SCHOLAR
Angelegt am 3.10.2019