Instruments and methods of personnel management. A critical analysis of the possibilities, limitations and current challenges

Focus on gastronomy management

Term Paper, 2017

13 Pages, Grade: 1,7


Table of contents

1 Introduction to the topic
1.1 Problem statement
1.2 Objective and structure of the work

2 Basics of human resources management
2.1 The concept of leadership
2.2 Responsibilities of the executive

3 The theories, tools and methods of personnel management
3.1 Theories of personnel management
3.2 Leadership instruments
3.2.1 Management tools for individual employees
3.2.2 Leadership tools for executives
3.2.3 Leadership tools for employee groups
3.2.4 Leadership instruments to support cooperation relations
3.3 Methods of personnel management
3.3.1 Management by Objectives
3.3.2 Management by Delegation
3.3.3 Management by Exception

4 Current challenges, possibilities and limitations of the instruments of personnel management for the "xxx"
4.1 Challenges of leadership tools
4.2 Opportunities and limitations of management instruments

5 Conclusion


List of figures

Figure 1: Management control cycle

Figure 2: Maslow's pyramid of needs

1 Introduction to the topic

1.1 Problem statement

Human resources management is a challenge for every manager. Executives are in constant conflict between the company's stated goals and the expectations of employees. The manager wants the company's overall goals and its own department to be achieved, so that their employees can do upcoming tasks well and make a contribution to them.1

The focus is on which management tools can be used to motivate employees in a targeted manner, to promote team cohesion, to achieve good economic results and to increase customer satisfaction.

1.2 Objective and structure of the work

The present paper aims to identify opportunities, limitations and the current challenges of various management instruments for the company "xxx".

At the beginning, the term leadership is explained in order to further address selected methods of human resource management and leadership tools. In the second part of the paper, the possibilities, limitations and current challenges of personnel/ HR management are shown by means of the restaurant "xxx".

2 Basics of human resources management

First of all, basic concepts of human resources management are explained in more detail.

2.1 The concept of leadership

"Leadership is a phenomenon of our everyday world that can be observed in all human communities."2

The term leadership can be categorized into five characteristics:3

1. There are at least two persons (leader and led).
2. There is a social interaction.
3. The interaction relationship is asymmetric.
4. The influence of the manager is goal-oriented.
5. The interaction is dynamic.

In a company, there are both employees with managerial responsibilities and employees without leadership skills. Executives are called employees who take over the leadership or management of the company.4 In particular, the managers of a company ensure that all subordinate managers and employees without managerial responsibilities focus their efforts on achieving the company's goals. In order to reconcile business requirements and goals with the needs and interests of employees, good leadership requires smooth communication and a complete dialogue.

Leadership is subject to various influencing factors. The manager of a company is influenced by factors such as leadership style, experience, personality and authority. Employees are subject to influencing factors such as expectations, experience, personality and age. Factors such as processes, organization and operating profit situation determine operating conditions. In order to achieve the company's goals, a manager strives to motivate his or her employees, to contribute to the achievement of the common goals with a high level of commitment and convincing performance.5

2.2 Responsibilities of the executive

A person who has a managerial position in a company or organization is called a manager.6 The manager should achieve certain goals and results with the team or employees, or provide a specific service of a specific quality. Concrete tasks can be derived from the management circle (Figure 1), which entails this fundamental objective.

Figure 1: Management circle

Source: Hofabauer, H. & Krauer A., 2014, p. 7.

Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten

The management process is represented by the management circle.7 The outer ring describes the steps that are necessary to complete a task in succession: Setting goals, planning, decision, realization, control. The objectives set must always be formulated in such a way that they can be measured within the framework of the monitoring of success. The center of the circle includes aspects of leadership, such as communication, information and coordination, which a manager needs to implement every step of the task. Psychological and interpersonal as well as structural and organizational factors influence the control loop.


1 cf. Kunz, G., 2014, p. 7.

2 Weibler, J., 2012, p. 1.

3 cf. Berhel, J., 2000, p. 5.

4 cf. Gonschorrek, U., 2001, p. 65.

5 cf. Kunz, G., 2014, p. 7.

6 cf. Hofbauer, H. & Kauer A., 2014, p. 6.

7 cf. Hofbauer, H. & Kauer A., 2014, p. 6 f.

Excerpt out of 13 pages


Instruments and methods of personnel management. A critical analysis of the possibilities, limitations and current challenges
Focus on gastronomy management
University of Cooperative Education Heidelberg
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
personnel management, leadership
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Alina Chladek (Author), 2017, Instruments and methods of personnel management. A critical analysis of the possibilities, limitations and current challenges, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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