How is Gender Represented in “The Birthday Party” and to what Extent Can It Be Seen as a Portrayal of Stereotypical Gender Roles? There is no doubt about the importance of the gender discussion over the last sixty years, especially since the start of the feminism movement in the 1960s. What exactly is gender and how should gender types behave? Out of these discussions a certain kind of awareness about gender arose and people started to recognize gender roles patterns in almost every part of daily life. But even when gender roles have changed significantly, there is still a traditional or stereotypical understanding of what gender should look like. Even in the entertainment industry - which also includes drama.
Concerning the gender discussion one playwright should get our attention: Harold Pinter. Victor L. Cahn said that “Pinter always dramatizes men and women as fundamentally contrasting in nature, with distinct values and desires revealed in the seemingly eternal struggle for power”. One can assume that there has to be a certain pattern of gender role representation in Pinter’s plays. The Birthday Party from 1957 is his second full-length play.
The leading question of this term paper will be how gender is represented in The Birthday Party and to what extent it can be seen as a portrayal of stereotypical gender roles. We will first have a look at gender roles in general (chapter 2) including a view on traditional female gender roles (chapter 2.1) and on traditional male gender roles (chapter 2.2). In chapter 3 we will have a look at several scenes from the play and compare them with our findings about traditional or stereotypical gender roles.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper explores how gender is represented in Harold Pinter's play "The Birthday Party" and examines the extent to which it portrays stereotypical gender roles. The analysis delves into traditional gender roles and their evolution over time, specifically focusing on the play's setting in the 1950s.
- The portrayal of traditional gender roles in Pinter's play
- The interplay of power dynamics between men and women
- The evolution of gender expectations and their reflection in the play
- The impact of societal norms on individual behavior and identity
- The use of dramatic techniques to convey gender roles and power dynamics
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Chapter 1: Introduction This introductory chapter establishes the context for analyzing gender roles in "The Birthday Party," highlighting the importance of the gender discussion and the prevalence of gendered patterns in society. It introduces Harold Pinter as a playwright who explores gender dynamics and sets the stage for examining the play's representation of gender roles.
- Chapter 2: What are Gender Roles? This chapter delves into the concept of gender roles and their cultural significance. It explores how gender is socially constructed, with different societies expecting different behaviors from men and women. The chapter also discusses the evolution of gender roles and the concept of traditional gender roles prevalent in the 1950s when "The Birthday Party" was written.
- Chapter 2.1: Traditional Female Gender Roles This section examines traditional female gender roles, highlighting the societal expectations and limitations imposed on women. It discusses the emphasis on domesticity, motherhood, and the pressure to conform to a certain physical appearance, emphasizing the subordination of women to men.
- Chapter 2.2: Traditional Male Gender Roles This section focuses on traditional male gender roles, exploring expectations related to dominance, authority, and the provision of financial support. It highlights the societal norms that place men in positions of power and control over women.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Gender roles, Harold Pinter, "The Birthday Party," traditional gender roles, stereotypical gender roles, power dynamics, societal expectations, social construction, cultural context, dramatic techniques, feminism, masculinity, femininity.
- Quote paper
- Nathalie Schmitt (Author), 2020, The Representation of Gender Roles in Harold Pinter's Play "The Birthday Party", Munich, GRIN Verlag,