In the current study, the following major research questions have been addressed: What types of mate selection style did the adults prefer to select their spouse? What are the factors behind couple types of marriage adopted in their marriage selection process? Is there a relationship between youth mate selection factors?
This study was aimed to investigate the mate selection process and its associated factors with their marriage: a retroactive investigation with married adults in Elwaye Woreda of Borana zone. To investigate this research, the sequential exploratory mixed design was used. The study was mainly conducted by structured Mate Preferences Questionnaire contains the questions of mate selection style and factors in choosing a mate, focus group discussion, and interview. The respondents of the study are married adults of 377 samples found in selected six Ganda/kebeles for household survey study and the interview, two Abba Gada, two elders, and one married adult from each selected kebeles has participated. Three grouped FGD was also carried out containing one group from Saba kebeles, one from Elwaye, and one group from picked selective of each Ganda. To select those respondents the researcher has used cluster sampling methods for married adults of household survey and others were selected purposively. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were used. The quantitative data were analyzed by using SPSS V.20.The frequency distribution and cross-tabulation were also used to examine the relationship or association between two categorical variables, and the hierarchal Binary logistic regression model was used to interpret the result.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1.1. Background of the Study
- 1.2. Statements of the Problem
- 1.3. The Research Questions
- 1.4. The objective of the Study
- 1.4.1. General Objective
- 1.4.2. Specific Objective
- 1.5. Significance of the Study
- 1.7. Limitation of the Study
- 1.8. Operational Definition of Terms
- 2.1. Marriage
- 2.2. Mate selection Process
- 2.3. A theoretical view of Mate Selection
- 3.1. Research Design
- 3.2. Description of the Study Area
- 3.3. Population Size, Sample and Sampling Techniques
- 3.3.1. Population
- 3.3.2. Samples and Sampling Techniques
- 3.3.3. Sample Size Determination
- 3.5. Data Collection Instruments
- 3.5.1. Questionnaire
- 3.5.2. Focus Group Discussion
- 3.5.3. Key Informant Interview
- 3.6. Data Quality Assurance
- 3.7. Ethical Consideration
- 3.8. The procedure of Data Collection
- 3.9. Methods of Data Analysis
- 4.1. Qualitative result
- 4.2. Quantitative Results
- 4.2.1. Descriptive Statistics
- Demographic characteristics of the participants
- Cross tabs Analysis
- 4.2.2. Inferential Statistics
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This thesis aims to conduct a retroactive analysis of the mate selection process among married adults in Elwaye Woreda of Borana Zone, Southern Oromia. The study seeks to understand the factors influencing mate selection in this specific community.
- Mate Selection Process in Borana Culture
- Factors Influencing Mate Choice
- Cultural and Societal Norms Related to Marriage
- Demographic Characteristics and Mate Selection
- Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Mate Selection
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION: This chapter introduces the study, providing background information on mate selection and its importance. It clearly defines the problem being addressed, outlining the research questions and objectives. The significance of the study is highlighted, acknowledging its contribution to understanding mate selection within the specific context of Elwaye Woreda. Limitations of the study and operational definitions of key terms are also presented, setting the stage for the subsequent chapters.
CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE: This chapter delves into existing literature on marriage and mate selection, providing a theoretical framework for the study. It reviews various perspectives and theories relevant to understanding the complexities of partner choice, likely drawing on anthropological, sociological, and psychological literature. This review serves to contextualize the current research within broader scholarly discussions on the topic and sets the stage for the methodology employed.
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: This chapter meticulously details the research design, including the study area's description, population size, sampling techniques, and data collection methods. It outlines the instruments used, such as questionnaires, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews, explaining the rationale behind choosing these specific methods. The chapter further addresses data quality assurance, ethical considerations, and data analysis procedures, ensuring the study's rigor and validity.
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS: This chapter presents both qualitative and quantitative findings from the data analysis. The qualitative findings likely present insights into the lived experiences and perspectives of participants related to mate selection, highlighting key themes and patterns emerging from the interviews and focus group discussions. The quantitative results present statistical analyses of collected data, potentially exploring relationships between various factors and mate selection preferences. This chapter will integrate both data types to provide a comprehensive picture of the results.
CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSIONS: This chapter interprets the findings presented in Chapter 4, connecting them to the existing literature review and theoretical framework established in Chapter 2. The discussion will likely delve into the implications of the findings, comparing the study's results with those of other similar research endeavors. It will analyze the cultural context and significance of the results, offering explanations and interpretations of observed patterns and relationships.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Mate selection, marriage, Borana culture, Ethiopia, qualitative research, quantitative research, cultural norms, social factors, demographic characteristics, partner choice, retroactive analysis.
Frequently Asked Questions: Comprehensive Language Preview of Mate Selection in Borana Culture
What is the main topic of this research?
This research conducts a retroactive analysis of the mate selection process among married adults in Elwaye Woreda of Borana Zone, Southern Oromia, Ethiopia. It aims to understand the factors influencing mate selection within this specific community.
What are the key themes explored in this research?
Key themes include the mate selection process within Borana culture, the factors influencing mate choice (both cultural and societal), cultural and societal norms related to marriage, the role of demographic characteristics in mate selection, and a combined qualitative and quantitative analysis of mate selection practices.
What chapters are included in this research?
The research is structured into five chapters: Chapter 1 (Introduction), Chapter 2 (Review of Related Literature), Chapter 3 (Research Methodology), Chapter 4 (Results), and Chapter 5 (Discussion).
What is covered in the introduction chapter?
Chapter 1 provides background information on mate selection, states the research problem and questions, outlines the study's objectives (general and specific), details the significance and limitations of the study, and provides operational definitions of key terms.
What does the literature review chapter entail?
Chapter 2 reviews existing literature on marriage and mate selection, offering a theoretical framework. It explores various perspectives and theories related to partner choice, drawing from anthropological, sociological, and psychological sources to contextualize the research.
How is the research methodology described?
Chapter 3 thoroughly explains the research design, including the study area, population size, sampling techniques (with details on population, samples, and sample size determination), data collection instruments (questionnaires, focus group discussions, key informant interviews), data quality assurance, ethical considerations, and data analysis methods.
What kind of results are presented?
Chapter 4 presents both qualitative and quantitative results. Qualitative results offer insights from interviews and focus groups, while quantitative results include descriptive statistics (demographic characteristics, cross-tabs analysis) and inferential statistics.
What does the discussion chapter cover?
Chapter 5 interprets the findings from Chapter 4, connecting them to the literature review and theoretical framework. It discusses the implications of the findings, compares them to other research, and analyzes the cultural context and significance of the results.
What are the keywords associated with this research?
Keywords include mate selection, marriage, Borana culture, Ethiopia, qualitative research, quantitative research, cultural norms, social factors, demographic characteristics, partner choice, and retroactive analysis.
What is the overall objective of the study?
The thesis aims to conduct a retroactive analysis of the mate selection process among married adults in Elwaye Woreda of Borana Zone, Southern Oromia, to understand the influencing factors.
- Quote paper
- Jarso Halake (Author), 2020, Mate selection process and its associated factors. A retroactive analysis among married adults in the case of Southern Oromia, Munich, GRIN Verlag,