Food insecurity caused by conflict calls for sound evidence-based policymaking and interventions. The main objective of this study is to understand the impact of the ongoing armed conflict on household food security, and the sustainability of livelihood coping strategies employed in the Bamenda Municipality of the Northwest region of Cameroon by splicing the Food Insecurity Experience Scale and the Sustainable livelihood framework.
Despite enormous multiform humanitarian food aid interventions, the situation is far from improving. It is therefore not clear to what extend the armed conflict has affected household food security in the NW region of Cameroon as a whole and the Bamenda municipality. The effectiveness of livelihood responses in solving the problem cannot also be ascertained. Understanding the relationship between armed conflict and food insecurity (access and availability), associated perceptions, coping strategies and livelihood responses is therefore critical in managing food insecurity across the bord.
Although research works on the relationship between food security and violent conflict have steadily increased, it is still an emerging research theme among economists, political scientists, and development researchers to look at livelihood responses and food security in a volatile environment, especially in the Bamenda municipality of the Northwest Region of Cameroon which has been experiencing an ongoing arm conflict since 2017.
The main research question of this study is: To what extend has the ongoing socio-political crisis impacted on household food security and what is the sustainability of the livelihood coping strategies being employed in the Bamenda Municipality of the Northwest region of Cameroon?
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Background to the Study
- Objective of the Study.
- Specific objectives.
- The Major Research Question
- Specific Research Questions.
- Hypothesis of the Study.
- Significance of the Study.
- Scope of the Study
- Layout of the Study...
- Conceptual Review.
- Definition of terms...
- Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA) and Food Security Approaches.
- Theoretical Framework..
- Introduction........
- Sustainable Livelihood Framework..
- Components of Food Security
- Conflict / Crisis and Food Security......
- Conflict, Sustainable Livelihood, and Food Security Nexus
- Assessing Food (In) Security.
- Empirical Review........
- Introduction.…………………..\li>
- Global overview of conflict and food security
- Crisis, Food Security, and livelihood interventions in Africa
- Crisis and food security in Cameroon...
- Challenges of food security in crisis context.
- Livelihood Interventions and coping strategies in Crisis context.
- Gaps Identified and Proposed Research framework.
- Research Gap
- Proposed Research framework
- Study Design.........
- Model Specification.
- Population of Study.
- Sampling Technique /Sample Size
- Source of Data.........
- Methods of Data Collection
- Validity and Reliability of the Instrument
- Ethical Considerations.....
- Presentation of Demographic Results ..........\li>
- Gender Distribution
- Age Range of Respondents.......
- Size of household........
- Level of Education.....
- Agropastoral Activities Involvement.
- Households with Regular Income Source...
- Religious Affiliation
- Household Livelihood support to beneficiaries
- Perception of the impact of the ongoing conflict on household food security.
- Related hardship factors associated with food security in the Bamenda City Council area…....
- Demographic, and socio-economic factors influencing household food security
- Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) analysis ......
- Data structure
- Location of household (Bamenda I, Bamenda II, Bamenda III)..\li>
- Gender (Male headed Household Versus Female Headed Households)..\li>
- Food insecurity prevalence rate of the Municipality using FIES..\li>
- Item Statistics Analysis - FIES..\li>
- Raw Scores Analysis for the 08 FIES questions.\li>
- Reliability of the Test........\li>
- Correlation analysis
- Equating plot.….…………………………………….\li>
- Food insecurity prevalence rate for Bamenda city council.....\li>
- Raw scores for male and female headed housholds
- Regression Analysis to assess the impact of hardship factors on household food security using FIES.
- Other Variables that may Influence the Food Security Status of the Affected Population
- Regression analysis..............
- Household Coping Strategies and Livelihood Interventions
- Household Coping Strategies.......\li>
- Livelihood Interventions ......
- Perception of Beneficiaries on the Impact of Livelihood Support..\li>
- Main livelihood support activities
- Perception of Households that Benefited from Livelihood Support..\li>
- Proposals for the amelioration of the food security status.
- Implication of Findings and Limitations of the Study.
- implication of the findings..\li>
- Limitations of the study.
- Introduction
- Summary of Findings
- Conclusion
- Recommendations........
- Suggested Areas for Future Research.
- The impact of armed conflict on household food security
- The sustainability of livelihood coping strategies in conflict-affected areas
- The role of demographic and socio-economic factors in influencing food security
- The effectiveness of livelihood interventions in mitigating food insecurity
- Recommendations for improving food security in conflict-affected regions
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This research aims to understand the impact of the ongoing armed conflict in Cameroon on household food security and the sustainability of livelihood coping strategies employed in the Bamenda Municipality of the Northwest region. The study uses the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) and the Sustainable Livelihood Framework to analyze data collected from 447 households.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter One introduces the research topic, provides background information on food security in conflict-affected regions, and establishes the research question and objectives. Chapter Two reviews the relevant literature on food security, sustainable livelihoods, and the impact of conflict on these concepts. The chapter also discusses existing theoretical frameworks and methodologies for assessing food security in crisis contexts.
Chapter Three outlines the methodology used in the research, including the study design, sampling technique, data collection methods, and ethical considerations. Chapter Four presents and discusses the findings of the study, focusing on the demographic characteristics of the study population, their perceptions of the impact of the conflict on food security, and the effectiveness of livelihood coping strategies.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The key terms and focus topics of this study are: food security, sustainable livelihoods, armed conflict, vulnerability context, coping strategies, Food Insecurity Experience scale. These terms encapsulate the primary themes and concepts of the research, highlighting the relationship between conflict and food security, the importance of sustainable livelihoods, and the need for effective coping strategies in conflict-affected regions.
- Quote paper
- Fuh George Cheo (Author), 2023, Household Food Security during Armed Conflicts. Livelihood Coping Strategies in the Bamenda Municipality of the Northwest Region of Cameroon, Munich, GRIN Verlag,