Green Nudges. The Clear Bag Policy Example


6 Páginas

Resumen o Introducción

Municipal solid waste management is a pressing issue faced by urban municipalities worldwide, with far-reaching implications for public health, environmental sustainability, and community well-being. In response to this challenge, various social policy interventions have been implemented, aiming to incentivize waste reduction and promote responsible waste disposal practices among residents.

This essay delves into the evaluation of one such intervention implemented in a mid-sized urban municipality in Canada: the Clear Bag Policy. Adopted in 2015, this policy leveraged the principles of behavioral economics, employing a "green nudge" to influence households' recycling and waste disposal behaviors. The effectiveness of this policy was analyzed in a study conducted by Yuksel & Boulatoff (2020), who examined its impact on household waste management practices and explored the moderating influence of socioeconomic factors across different neighborhoods.

The significance of this intervention extends beyond its immediate goal of reducing municipal solid waste. Municipal waste management is intricately linked to social health and community well-being. Inadequate waste disposal practices can lead to environmental pollution, posing risks to public health and exacerbating urban living conditions. By addressing waste accumulation and promoting responsible waste disposal, the Clear Bag Policy aimed to mitigate these adverse effects and foster a cleaner, healthier urban environment.

Through a critical evaluation of the Clear Bag Policy and its implications, this essay seeks to derive actionable policy recommendations informed by empirical evidence and insights from the study by Yuksel & Boulatoff. By identifying the policy's strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, policymakers can refine existing interventions and develop targeted strategies to address the complex socio-environmental challenges associated with municipal waste management.

In the subsequent sections, this essay will provide a comprehensive analysis of the Clear Bag Policy case, evaluate its effectiveness in achieving waste reduction objectives, and propose policy recommendations to enhance its impact and sustainability. By examining the intersection of social policy, environmental sustainability, and community well-being, this essay aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on effective waste management strategies in urban settings.


Green Nudges. The Clear Bag Policy Example
No. de catálogo
ISBN (Ebook)
Palabras clave
green, nudges, clear, policy, example
Citar trabajo
Luisa Ramirez (Autor), Green Nudges. The Clear Bag Policy Example, Múnich, GRIN Verlag,


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