The aim of this paper is to describe the momentary part/state Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) has in Austria and the pathways that need to be prepared to give Advanced Nursing Practice a positive start.
In contemplating this transition in comparison to the middle range theory of Afaf I. Meleis' Transitions Theory, the Author aims to claim how Advanced Practition Nurses/-Students can improve the transition to a sucessfull transition to Advanced Nursing Practice in Austria.
The chosen method to gain knowledge and to analyse the situation was a content analysis guided by phenomenology and objective hermeneutic. The interpretation of the aquired information in regard to the Transitions Theory completed the analysis.
Advanced Nursing Practice is a very young branch in nursing in the german-speaking part of europe. The developement of Advanced Nursing Practice in Austria was also compared to the developement in the other german speaking countries.
Finally as the author thinks of the students of Advanced Nursing Practice as change-agents, she wanted to take a close look what those agents could do to endorse this developement.
This transition, viewed through the Transitions Theory of Meleis gave good clues for understanding and supporting this transition to Advanced Nursing Transition in Austria.
The current developement to ANP in Austria is definitive a transition as Meleis defines these, it is ongoing since four years and definitely seems to become a healthy transition as Meleis describes it.
1 Einleitung
2 Methodologisches Vorgehen
2.1 Onlinedatenbanken
2.2 Experteninterviews
2.3 Veröffentlichungen durch Angehörige des Pflegeberufs
2.4 Veröffentlichungen von Politik und Sozialversicherungen
2.5 Fachbücher
2.6 Tagungen und Kongresse
3 Transitions to Advanced Nursing Practice In Austria
3.1 Überblick
3.1.1 Schweiz
3.1.2 Deutschland
3.1.3 Österreich
3.2 Begriffsdefinitionen
3.2.1 Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP)
3.2.2 Advanced Nursing Practitioner (ANP)
3.2.3 Transitions Theory
3.2.4 Transitions
3.2.5 Nursing Therapeutics in Transitions
3.2.6 Indikatoren für eine Healthy Transition
4 Transitions to ANP in Austria is a transition in and through nursing
4.1 Der momentane Status von Advanced Nursing Practice in Österreich
4.2 Prozesse hinsichtlich Transition zu Advanced Nursing Practice in Österreich
4.3 Unterstützung von Seiten der Berufsgruppe der Pflegenden für diese Transition
5 Conclusio
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