The purpose of this paper is to give the reader an understanding of two very contrary cultures, Germany’s and Thailand’s, in order to help preventing cultural misunderstandings when working together. At first, an explanation of the word “culture” will be given, although, so far, there has not yet been one exact definition all scientists approve of. After giving some general information about the two countries, a comparison will be drawn between Germany and Thailand based on two individual theories of so-called “Cultural Dimensions” put forward by the scientists Edward T. Hall and Fons Trompenaars.
Additionally, the reader will find a brief elaboration of suggestions on how the two cultures may approach one another to lay potential differences aside. Thus, the aim of this paper is pointing out possibilities to enable business to develop further and that the people from these two countries will find it easier to cooperate in the future.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1. Introduction
- 2. General Definition of Culture
- 3. Facts about Germany and Thailand
- 4. Cultural Comparison between Germany and Thailand
- 4.1 Comparison based on the four Cultural Dimensions of Edward T. Hall
- 4.1.1 Space (Proxemics)
- 4.1.2 Context
- 4.1.3 Time
- 4.1.4 Speed of Information
- 4.2 Cultural Comparison based on the seven Cultural Dimensions of Fons Trompenaars
- 4.3.1 Universalism vs. Particularism
- 4.3.2 Individualism vs. Communitarism (Collectivism)
- 4.3.3 Neutral vs. Affective
- 4.3.4 Specific vs. Diffuse
- 4.3.5 Ascription vs. Achievement
- 4.3.6 Sequential vs. Synchronic Time
- 4.3.7 Internal vs. External Orientation (Nature)
- 4.1 Comparison based on the four Cultural Dimensions of Edward T. Hall
- 5. Tips and Advice for Businessmen
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper aims to provide an understanding of the contrasting cultures of Germany and Thailand to prevent misunderstandings in collaborative work environments. It begins by defining "culture," then provides background information on both countries. The core of the paper lies in comparing German and Thai cultures using the cultural dimension theories of Edward T. Hall and Fons Trompenaars. Finally, it offers practical advice for business interactions between individuals from these two cultures.
- Definition and understanding of culture
- Comparative analysis of German and Thai cultures
- Application of cultural dimension theories (Hall and Trompenaars)
- Practical implications for business collaboration
- The role of personal experience in understanding cultural differences
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
1. Introduction: This introductory chapter sets the stage by highlighting the increasing interconnectedness of the global business world due to globalization. It emphasizes the importance of cross-cultural understanding in international collaborations, particularly in the context of working with businesses in countries like Thailand. The chapter establishes the paper's objective: to provide insights into German and Thai cultures to mitigate potential misunderstandings arising from cultural differences, leveraging both theoretical frameworks and the author's personal experiences in Thailand.
2. General Definition of Culture: This chapter grapples with the challenge of defining "culture," acknowledging the lack of a universally accepted definition. It uses a metaphor comparing culture to water for fish, illustrating its pervasive yet often unnoticed influence. The chapter traces the word's origins in Latin, linking it to cultivation and growth, while also acknowledging the broader modern interpretations encompassing civilization, sophistication, and shared behavioral norms. It highlights the complexities of defining this multifaceted concept and points to its role in shaping collective behaviors and social cohesion.
3. Facts about Germany and Thailand: This chapter provides essential background information on Germany and Thailand, setting the context for the cultural comparison. For Germany, it touches upon the impact of World War II and the subsequent division, highlighting the “Stunde Null” and the Wirtschaftswunder. The chapter also gives details on Germany's political system and its significant role in the European Union and global organizations. In contrast, it presents Thailand's unique history as the only Southeast Asian nation never colonized by European powers, noting its close relationship with the United States. This contrasting historical backdrop lays the groundwork for understanding the cultural differences explored in subsequent chapters.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
German culture, Thai culture, intercultural competence, cultural dimensions, Edward T. Hall, Fons Trompenaars, globalization, cross-cultural communication, business collaboration, proxemics, context, time, individualism, collectivism.
Frequently Asked Questions: A Comprehensive Language Preview of German and Thai Cultures
What is the purpose of this document?
This document provides a comprehensive overview of German and Thai cultures, aiming to highlight key cultural differences to improve understanding and collaboration between individuals from both countries, particularly in business contexts. It uses established cultural dimension theories to analyze these differences and offers practical advice.
What topics are covered in this document?
The document covers a range of topics, including a general definition of culture, background information on Germany and Thailand, a detailed cultural comparison using the frameworks of Edward T. Hall and Fons Trompenaars (covering dimensions such as space, context, time, individualism/collectivism, and more), and practical tips for business interactions between Germans and Thais.
Which cultural dimension theories are used for the comparison?
The cultural comparison is primarily based on the four cultural dimensions of Edward T. Hall (space, context, time, and speed of information) and the seven cultural dimensions of Fons Trompenaars (universalism vs. particularism, individualism vs. communitarism, neutral vs. affective, specific vs. diffuse, ascription vs. achievement, sequential vs. synchronic time, and internal vs. external orientation).
How is the cultural comparison structured?
The cultural comparison is structured in two parts: first, using Hall's four dimensions, and second, using Trompenaars' seven dimensions. Each dimension is analyzed to highlight the differences between German and Thai cultural norms and practices.
What kind of practical advice is offered?
While specific advice isn't detailed in this preview, the document promises to offer practical tips for business interactions between individuals from Germany and Thailand, drawing on the cultural comparisons made earlier.
What is the overall structure of the document?
The document follows a logical structure: Introduction, Definition of Culture, Facts about Germany and Thailand, Cultural Comparison (using Hall and Trompenaars' frameworks), and Tips and Advice for Businessmen. It also includes a table of contents, objectives and key themes, and chapter summaries.
What are the key themes explored in the document?
Key themes include the definition and understanding of culture, comparative analysis of German and Thai cultures, application of cultural dimension theories, practical implications for business collaboration, and the role of personal experience in understanding cultural differences.
What are the key words associated with this document?
Key words include German culture, Thai culture, intercultural competence, cultural dimensions, Edward T. Hall, Fons Trompenaars, globalization, cross-cultural communication, business collaboration, proxemics, context, time, individualism, and collectivism.
Who is the intended audience of this document?
The intended audience includes individuals and businesses involved in cross-cultural interactions between Germany and Thailand. The focus on business collaboration suggests a particular relevance for professionals working in international contexts.
Where can I find more detailed information?
This document is a preview, providing a summary of the full text. The complete document contains more detailed analysis and explanations of the topics covered here.
- Quote paper
- Steffen Kirilmaz (Author), 2014, A comparison between the culture of Germany and Thailand based on the cultural dimensions of Edward Hall and Fons Trompenaars, Munich, GRIN Verlag,