In L’Aquila Basin (central Italy), several seismic stations of the Italian Strong Motion Network recorded a huge amount of weak- and strong-motion data near an active fault during the 2009 L’Aquila seismic sequence. This study analyzes the ground motion records of events with magnitude ranging between 1.6 and 6.1 and compares the observed peak accelerations and the H/V and V/H response spectral ratios with those revealed from numerical simulations.
The finite element method is considered herein to perform dynamic simulations on models of the upper Aterno River Valley and L’Aquila City center, which are based on the reviewed geologic, geotechnical and geophysical investigations that were performed in previous studies. The Martin-Finn-Seed’s pore-water pressure model is used in the simulations.
The comparison between the computed and the experimental results shows a seismic site response that is sensitive to the level of earthquake magnitude and mainly depends on the rock and soil elastic and dynamic properties, the intensity and the depth of the seismic impedance contrast, the water table depth, the two-dimensional irregular configuration, the dip angle of strata, the shape and the frequency content of the input motion record. Moreover, the near-fault seismic site response may be influenced by near-source effects and peculiar wave-field incidence angles.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Case Study #1: Western L'Aquila Basin
- The Aterno River Valley Strong-Motion Array
- Geological, Geotechnical and Geophysical Data
- Ground Motion Record Analysis
- Dynamic Modeling
- Peak Ground Acceleration Amplification Factor
- Observed vs. Numerical Peak Ground Acceleration
- Excess Pore-Water Pressure and Liquefaction
- Observed vs. Numerical H/V and V/H Response Spectral Ratios
- Conclusions
- Case Study #2: Historical L'Aquila City center
- Geological, Geotechnical and Geophysical Data
- Ground Motion Record Analysis
- Dynamic Modeling
- Peak Ground Acceleration
- Observed vs. Numerical H/V Response Spectral Ratio
- Excess Pore-Water Pressure and Nonlinear Behavior
- Conclusions
- References
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This book presents the results of a research project on the seismic response of sediments that fill the L'Aquila Basin, using two case studies: Western L'Aquila Basin and the historical L'Aquila City center. It analyzes the ground motions recorded during the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake and compares the observed data with the results of nonlinear dynamic models.
- Seismic site response of sediments in the L'Aquila Basin
- Analysis of ground motion recordings from the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake
- Comparison of observed data with numerical simulations
- Investigation of nonlinear dynamic behavior of soil
- Assessment of ground motion amplification and its causes
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The book begins with an introduction to the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake and its impact. It then examines the Western L'Aquila Basin, focusing on the Aterno River Valley Strong-Motion Array, geological data, ground motion analysis, dynamic modeling, and the amplification of peak ground acceleration. It also discusses excess pore-water pressure, liquefaction, and observed vs. numerical H/V and V/H response spectral ratios. The book then explores the historical L'Aquila City center, focusing on geological data, ground motion analysis, dynamic modeling, peak ground acceleration, observed vs. numerical H/V response spectral ratio, and excess pore-water pressure and nonlinear behavior.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Seismic site response, ground motion, L'Aquila earthquake, nonlinear dynamic modeling, peak ground acceleration amplification, pore-water pressure, liquefaction, H/V and V/H response spectral ratios, finite element analysis, seismic risk assessment.
- Quote paper
- Ermanno Ragozzino (Author), 2016, Near-fault seismic site response through observed and simulated data of the 2009 L’Aquila (central Italy) Mw 6.1 earthquake, Munich, GRIN Verlag,