Immigration patterns have changed significantly since the first guestworkers came to Germany in the mid-1950´s. In the times of the “Wirtschaftswunder” the Germans imported foreigners on a temporary basis. However most of the foreigners remained in Germany and became real immigrants. Today Germany has to cope with huge problems concerning the integration of the residing foreign population, while on the socio-economic indicators clearly show the necessity for further immigration. This is mainly due to the demographic downturn and the need for high-qualified specialists to enhance Germanys economy, which is facing serious problems in a globalising world. This paper will analyse, why the German society was to a high degree not able to integrate the working-migrants and why it refuses further immigration, which is obviously contrary to the facts the Country will have to face in the 21st century. Hereby the role of the media and the politics will be encountered as a decisive one. Media not only plays an important role in transporting public opinion and news but also generates it. Deriving from that, media has a special responsibility in society. Political parties as the other imoprtant social force also tend to use the “Ausländer”-issue especially in the election campaigns. Some parties tend to make the immigrants their scapegoats, often with the intention of frightening people and by that grabbing votes. This paper will give an overwiev on the discussions and facts about immigration from the post-war period until the german reunification. Hereby the ‘Wirtschaftswunder’ period in the 1950´s and 1960´s. and the period starting with the oil-crisis in 1973 until the unification in 1990 will be seperately analysed. In the third part, possible reasons for the German situation will be presented, also including the role of politics and the media. The latest discussions about the fear of islamism, “unsucessful” integration of foreigners and the fear of parallel societies in Germany will be examined as well as the call for a German Leading-Culture. [...]
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Labour Migration to Germany from the War to the Unification
- The "Wirtschaftswunder" and the need for Workers
- The End of the "Wirtschaftswunder" and Guests becoming Immigrants.
- Ethnocentrism and Social Constructions of the Foreign..........\nApproaching the German Xenophobia.
- Different Groups and the Perception of their Positions in Society.
- The Current Topics on Immigartion and Integration ………………..\nClash of Civilisations? The Role of Politics and Media.
- What has been done and what still needs to be done
- Conclusion....
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper explores the evolution of labor migration to Germany, tracing its origins in the post-World War II “Wirtschaftswunder” period to the present day. It delves into the reasons behind the difficulties faced by Germany in integrating its foreign population, despite the clear need for continued immigration due to demographic trends and the requirements of a globalized economy.
- The impact of the "Wirtschaftswunder" on labor migration to Germany
- The transition from guest workers to immigrants and the social consequences
- The role of media and politics in shaping public perception of immigration
- The challenges of integrating foreign populations in Germany
- The continuing need for immigration in a globalized world
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The paper begins by examining the origins of labor migration to Germany in the post-war period, highlighting the need for workers during the “Wirtschaftswunder” and the transition from temporary guest workers to permanent immigrants. The analysis focuses on the German economy's reliance on imported labor and how the influx of foreign workers was seen as a solution to labor shortages, particularly in the southern farming industry. The chapter also delves into the early perceptions of foreign workers, drawing attention to the comparison with wartime "Fremdarbeiter" and the expectation of their eventual departure.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This paper focuses on the key concepts of labor migration, integration, and the impact of globalization on Germany's societal structure. It explores themes of xenophobia, the role of the media, and the influence of politics on immigration policies. The paper also touches on the economic need for skilled labor and the challenges faced by Germany in embracing a multi-cultural society.
- Quote paper
- Danijel Tomsic (Author), 2005, From Guestworkers to Immigrants - Germany becoming an Immigration country, Munich, GRIN Verlag,