Komp'juternyj klassifikator i baza danyh dlja podbora sredstv uskoritel'noj mass-spektronometrii dlja geoarheologičeskih i arheomineralogičeskih issledovanij

Scientific Essay, 2015

11 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

In this paper we propose a computer classification and semiautomatic database collection for remote searching and choosing of the suitable instruments for accelerator mass spectrometry in geoarchaeological and archaeomineralogical research. This novel approach offers considerable practical advantages, because the literature data are borrowed from different Web-sources and can be compared, systematized and uniformly generalized using this program tool. Geoarchaeological / archaeomineralogical accelerator mass spectrometry usually operates in a wide range of acceleration voltages (from 200 KV to 14 MV), measuring accuracies and limiting detection sensitivities (including attomole, subattomole, femtomole and zeptomole levels). This work is facilitated by the use of the accelerator system classification by a multifactor optimization criteria correlated with any application areas of these devices with different physical / metrological characteristics. The above methods we have developed provide a basis not only for systematization of the well-known data and instrument selection in contemporary parametric manifold of the existing AMS instruments but also for an objective prediction of the geoarchaeological / archaeomineralogical research trends and novel research branches / areas, based on the AMS technique application. Some examples of this prognostic approach applicability are mentioned in this report.


Komp'juternyj klassifikator i baza danyh dlja podbora sredstv uskoritel'noj mass-spektronometrii dlja geoarheologičeskih i arheomineralogičeskih issledovanij
Moscow State Pedagogical University
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Oleg Gradov (Author)Serge Pankratov (Author), 2015, Komp'juternyj klassifikator i baza danyh dlja podbora sredstv uskoritel'noj mass-spektronometrii dlja geoarheologičeskih i arheomineralogičeskih issledovanij, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/454565


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Title: Komp'juternyj klassifikator i baza danyh dlja podbora sredstv uskoritel'noj mass-spektronometrii dlja geoarheologičeskih i arheomineralogičeskih issledovanij

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