Why should games be used in classroom?

Project Report, 2019

15 Pages


Table of Contents


Literature Review

What is a game?

Why should games be used in classroom?





Design two language games for vocabulary teaching to your students. Execute the games in classroom and get student’s feedback. In the light of that feedback, write a report on the effectiveness of using language games. Attach the language games and student’s feedback with your report.


This research addresses the problem of memorizing new vocabulary and their definitions in general and motivating students to memorize those scientific vocabularies in particular. This research examines the implementing of games as an effective learning strategy to acquire new vocabulary, solve this problem in an interesting way, and raise the student’s awareness to study and to get maximum results. The outcome of this research showed that it can increase student’s ability and motivation to memorize new words. The data extracted from using vocabulary games in different classes and by getting feedback from students. The results of this research demonstrate clearly that using games to practice vocabulary improves learner’s ability to memorize the new words effectively. Games provide logical contribution while learners interact in the group, allowing students to clarify the meanings of the words. This strategy enhanced student’s enthusiasm to learn new vocabulary of English.


In learning a foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is one element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and language; students should acquire an adequate number of words in a language. Vocabulary is an important part to master English well. According to piageat,s (cited in Wadsworth2003)theory, a child at the age 7-10 years is always interesting in recognizing and knowing new words, he stands to repeat new words repeatedly so that he will memorize them. There are essential steps of learning vocabulary (Hatch and Brown 1995).

- Having source for encountering new words.
- Getting a clear image for the form of new words.
- Learning the meaning of new words.
- Making a strong memory connection between the form and the meaning of the words.

There are many learning strategies but this study focus on game strategy to motivate students to memorize new words. However, motivation is considered one of the essential factors in language learning. Lightbown and Spada(1999) stress the importance of motivation and emphasize that The principle way that teachers can influence learner’s motivation is by making the classroom a supportive environment in which students are stimulated, and engaged in the activities. Motivated learners have, however, a better chance of learning vocabulary successfully; unmotivated ones will have a lesser chance of success. Thus, in order to enhance learner’s learning vocabulary, they need to be motivated by playing games to complete the task, and with enjoyment achieved, learning the lexis occurs smoothly (moon, 2000). Therefore, learning new vocabulary through enjoyable and out of the ordinary ways may assist the learners to learn vocabulary.

Literature Review

Considering the importance of vocabulary role in learning foreign language, the mastery of this element should be ensured and developed. Otherwise, the vocabulary mastery of the children will be limited and consequence of it is that they will find difficulties in learning the skills of the language. Therefore, schools have a task to teach vocabulary to their students as suggested by Margaretha mcKeown (1987). Although, a considerable amount of vocabulary there are, learning is associated with primary language learning in early years.

To increase the vocabulary we need media to be used. One of them is game. The definition of game is an activity that you do to have some fun. (Hornby,(1995). Games can make the students more focus in learning. Because they do not feel that they are enforced to learn. Games can lower anxiety, thus making the acquisition of input more likely (Richard-Amato, 1988). They are highly motivating and entertaining, and they can give shy students more opportunity to express their opinion and feelings (Hansen, 1994). They also enable learners to acquire new experiences within a foreign language which are not always possible during a typical lesson. Games can be media that will give many advantages for teacher and the students either. The useful of games are attract the students to learn English because it is fun and make them want to have experiment, discover and interact with their environment( Lewis and Bedson,1999). Some experts have also figured out characteristics of games that make vocabulary learning more effectively. Lee(1996) lists several main advantages when games are used in the classroom, including a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class, motivating and challenging, effort of learning and language practice in the various skills. Ersoz (2000) holds that games are highly appreciated due to their amusement and interest. Teachers also states that the helpful role of games in vocabulary teaching after quoting and analyzing different opinions of experts. And also, Uberman (1998) observed the interest of her students in learning through games. She also practices it incidentally. To the short, games can be considered useful and effective tools that may be applied in vocabulary classes. The use of games in teaching vocabulary is a way to make the lesson more interesting, enjoyable and effective.

What is a game?

Games are fun activities that promote interaction, thinking, learning and problem solving strategies. Often, games have an aspect that permits the players to produce information in a short time period.

Why should games be used in classroom?

Games are effective tools for learning because they offer students a hypothetical environment in which they can explore alternative decisions without the risk of failure. Thought and actions are combined together into a purposeful behavior to accomplish a goal.


To know the effectiveness of using games for vocabulary teaching, researcher design two games and use these games in grade 7th students. Researcher observed students during these games. After that researcher take feedback regarding use of these games.

- Following games are designed to teach vocabulary:

1. That’s sketchy:

The Rules: Divide students into two teams. One student from one team comes to the front of the class, choose a word from the basket, and draw a picture representation of the word without writing any letters. Whichever team yells out the correct word first earns a point. Then next student comes from other team, and this game will continue till end. Whichever team has most points when time is over, will win this game.

- Materials needed:
- Each word on a separate small piece of paper.
- A basket.
- Chalk or marker.
- Look Out For:

Make sure to have a set time period so that students feel it is fair for one team to win.

2. Pass the board:


- Divide students into groups (4-6) with one whiteboard and marker for each group.
- One student in each group has the board and marker.
- You call out vocabulary word.
- Player writes it in TL and holds it up, you give thumbs up or down. If thumb down, player passes board to next team member who (without erasing wrong answer) makes another attempt at the answer and holds it up for your thumb up or down.
- Team who first gets thumbs up gets a point. (I wait until every team has the correct answer to move to next word).
- Team who get most points, will be winner.
- Look Out For:

Time should be set for every word.

Other team member cannot help in writing a word.

- Data Analysis:

Researcher used vocabulary games in grade 7th. Data was collected after getting feedback from the students.

After implementing the games, it seems that students ability to memorize the words has become more efficient. Through my observations of students, and especially when they had their regular revision of the previous lessons, I noticed their increased ability to recall the words. Am glad to hear some students sat We had this word in that game; it shows me how well they remember the word. This might be because students were given cognitively demanding tasks, where they needed to do some thinking to complete them. Another teacher commented about my students general performance by saying:


Excerpt out of 15 pages


Why should games be used in classroom?
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Shazia Yasmin (Author), 2019, Why should games be used in classroom?, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/470203


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