"Quantum Shift in the Global Brain". Book Review

Essay, 2019

12 Pages, Grade: A


Table of Contents


General analysis and Discussions


Statement about Like or Dislike

General Recommendations



“Change is no longer mere theory … no longer merely an option, it is a reality, an imperative of our survival.” Ervin Laszlo (2008)

This piece of work clearly puts together a report on Ervin Laszlo’s scientific research and explanation in a framework and his sense of “ oneness.” As a philosopher of science, Laszlo uses quantum physics to present a holistic perspective of the as it were “ the emerging new world. ” He presents people as change agents anchoring his argument on the effects of peoples activities on nature. In his change and shift discourse, Laszlo presents two approaches: That of “ Business as usual “ and that of “ Timely Transformation”. In his critical reasoning of what he has described as “ macroshift” Laszlo presents four phases of the shift process: The Trigger Phase, The Transformation Phase, The critical / chaotic phase where he lays emphasis on the three Cs (Communication, consciousness and connections) and the breakdown phase .

This narrative focuses on evolutions; in his words, Laszlo says “… We are on the threshold of a new stage of social, spiritual and cultural evolution…” (p.133) He presents a fine blend of two narratives ; a research report and his experience both focusing on shifts and changes : “ reality transformation.” He also insists that these shifts ‘are under our feet ‘ and hence his discourse on the evolution of sub cultures and the subsequent emerging changes in the values, ethics, cultures with their attendant shifts. His arguments are metaphysical, theological with ethical implications. He also presents the cosmic plenum as the new fundamental concept of reality.

Laszlo presents his contribution especially to that of the Akasbic Field ( p153). He presents it in three parts: part one ; “Our Changing world,” focuses on the macroshift which is a narrative that emphasises, living with change , demanding an understanding of that change process if we do not wish to degenerate into crisis. Part two “ Understanding our changing world in map;” is a theoretical argument of the paradigm shift. It discusses the concept of reality as it interfaces with the outcomes of scientific research in the change trajectory.

Part three can be summarized as a narrative of “The new map of reality,” In this section, Laszlo blends experience with theory to contribute to innovation resulting from scientific insights which suggests options for resilience, well being and human survival.

Laszlo prescribes 10 approaches to the shift trajectory which others have referred to as “ Laszlo’s 10 commandments” which he highlights in chapter fifteen captioned as ‘manifesto on planetary consciousness’ ( p.133). These prescriptions in my opinion, are begging for solidarity among individuals and nations thus underpinning the argument of his theory of “ Oneness” painting the picture of a global family where people live ways that others may live while respecting life and safeguarding right to life. The prescriptions as it were, make room for analysing juxtaposing concepts such as; extensive growth versus intensive growth, isolation versus connection. Laszlo’s vision about change or the quantum shift, requires inner growth.

I find the closing annex as a “new story’ in the discuss of communications beyond the grave as well as that of the Instrumental Transcommunication ( ITC) as it relates to that of the macroshift. In trying to present this ground breaking field, Laszlo tries to present a logical narrative of his experience and its explanations so that his readers can buy his story. This evolution story of a high level of communication is indeed ground breaking. As an innovative approach, Laszlo presents the Club of Budapest in chapter fourteen, which he founded as a think tank focusing on ‘soft factors’ including values, expectations, worldviews, state of minds and consciousness (p.130).

Communicating beyond the grave is a new scientific study for confirming faith in the after life .(p.155). It is worth noting that to date there are still a range of controlled experiments conducted with the aim of justifying or broadening the debate that there is an afterlife (p.158).

As a prolific writer, Laszlo has published 83 books with copies available in 21 languages. He is a winner of two Nobel Peace Prizes, chancellor designate of the GlobalShift University and president of the international think tanks of Budapest. This is an interesting read with a mixture of philosophy, science, global world views, some theology and experience sharing.


Based on his scientific analysis, Laszlo presents a rather gloomy picture of planet earth and humanity. He describes the globe as on that is experiencing dual shifts these being : a shift in nature and that of science through technological advancements put in his words ; “ the reality revolution.” These shifts are bound to cause a sudden and fundamental transformation in the relationship of the 6.5 billion people living on the globe.

This is a narrative of a shifting nature of human beings, as they interface with each other irrespective of the varying levels and social capital. This piece of work argues with an open mind the concept of the reality revolution as an opportunity of either ending the old era of as the beginning of a new cycle of life which maybe sustainable in the given perspective of conscious shifts in the sub-cultures, ethics and values in the spirit of “oneness.

Laszlo argues that these emerging perspectives are characterised by shocks and surprises. In his opinion, instead of the changing realities due to the shift in nature and science, rather it is the surprises of individuals resulting from internalised shifts. He uses Kenneth Boulding’s submission (p.1) to support his argument that “ the only thing we should not be surprised at is being surprised.” This is quite philosophical and does leave room for further discussion, which is beyond the scope of this general analysis. In this discourse, Laszlo uses a tripartite analogy in presenting the reality shift. He presents the varying outcomes of how we relate to each other, how we relate to nature and how we relate to the cosmos as possible reasons for the shock and surprises which begs for the quantum shift. This reality transformation begs the question as to whether it must continue to be “ Business as usual” or whether ‘ reality shift’ should in effect lead to a macroshift? If the latter is the case, it creates room for understanding that this new era of scientific reality, business will not be as usual.

Laszlo presents concrete justifications to convince his readers that indeed the world is changing and this resonates with the present scientific explanations of the effects of climate change on nature and its effects on the human race. Among the examples presented are the absence of snow on the top of mount Kilimanjaro and that of the Russians celebrating on New Year’s Eve in the former Red square without a trace of ice and snow.

He extends the transformations running in the spheres of ecology, social, political and culture. This reality transformation he asserts, has potentials of resulting into a catastrophe on planet earth ( the chaos phase of reality transformation). He insists that :

“… Change is no longer mere theory… no longer merely an option, it is a reality, an imperative of survival.” ( Ervin Laszlo,2008)

Laszlo further describes change within quantum shifts as radical and not linear. These shifts at terminal points can either breakdown or bifurcate using the analogy of the galaxy of stars which grow and go into extinction marking the end of an old generation as well as beginning a of a new era. However, Laszlo holds the view that in the middle of the realty transformation, like other species, the human species is not likely to degenerate to extinction. This is so because of the available adaptation options provided by the advancing technological outputs and the scientific coping backups. He validates this assertion with the argument of our interconnectedness and closeness to the earth as well as our cosmos linkage in the spiritual realm also underscoring the effects of our “oneness.”

Laszlo continue his argument by prescribing ten approaches towards effective management of the Macroshift or the outcomes of the emerging evolution which other commentators have referred to as “ Laszlo’s 10 commandments.” This it would seem as a call for a new way of life or a manifesto of planetary consciousness or simply put ‘ a new direction’ of the human family. In his prescriptions, he guards against in effective coping with the present and future shocks as the outcomes of these shocks are bound to influence our future and the future of our children and grandchildren (p.133). He urges us to create the framework for building a peaceful and cooperative global society. A further analysis of the global quantum shift shows the inequality among the human community. Laszlo paints a picture of a world where millions of people are without work, millions are being exploited by poor wages, millions are forced into helplessness and poverty. He further argues that the gap between the rich and poor nations as well as that between rich poor people within nations is great and still growing ( p.134). Laszlo reflects on today’s patterns of actions, which he describes as appalling.


Excerpt out of 12 pages


"Quantum Shift in the Global Brain". Book Review
( Atlantic International University )  (School of Business and Economic)
PhD Program
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
My supervisor's comment reads as Good Job ! This is a Book review as part of my PhD Program in Project Management
quantum, shift, global, brain, book, review
Quote paper
David Sidikie Yambasu (Author), 2019, "Quantum Shift in the Global Brain". Book Review, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/471430


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