Research report on globe valve. Product innovation

Research Paper (undergraduate), 2013

47 Pages, Grade: B




Globe valve made of stainless steel

Figure 1

Specification of the globe valve:

Solid model of globe valve

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

Market (customer) requirement and procedures used in survey

Procedures used for customer survey

Evidence of market survey method used:

Customer survey (survey evaluation):


Figure 15

Customer requirements and engineering specifications.

List of customer requirement and engineering specification

Relationship between customer requirement and engineering specification

Relation of “HOW” and “WHAT”:

Develop and present QFD matrix with customer requirement and engineering specification.

Introduction of Quality Function Deployment:

Development of house of quality (HOQ)
Table: House of Quality (HOQ) for the selected globe valve:

Result of the house function design (HFD):

Conclusion of the QFD matrix:

Development of conceptual designs:

Concept A Figure 16

Concept B Figure 17

Concept C Figure 18

Concept D Figure 19

Select and justify the best concept using appropriate design evaluation methods

Final summation of the best design from Pugh evaluation

Design for manufacture and assembly of a globe valve (best design):


Task 1a


Valves are mechanical gadgets that control the stream and weight inside a framework or process. They are crucial segments of a funneling framework that passes on fluids, gasses, vapors, and slurries and so on.

There are Different sorts of Valves accessible; each of these sorts has various models, each with diverse functions and practical capacities. Different globe Valves are automatically operated and some needs hand operators, or operated by the usage of the handle called an actuator.

The valve is a direct movement globe valve which is principally intended to stop, begin and manage stream. The plug of the Global Valve should be completely expelled through the flowpath or it can totally close the flowpath.

The principal rule of the Globe Valve operation is the perpendicular movement of the plug far from the seat. This guarantees that the ring-formed space between the plate and seat ring step by step close as the Valve is shut. This property gives a Globe Valve sensibly great throttling ability. In this manner, the Globe Valve can be utilized for beginning and halting stream and to direct stream.

Globe valve made of stainless steel

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Figure 1

Globe valve functions and its real life application

It helps in flow stoppage and also in starting flow

It minimizes and maximizes flow

It helped the direction of flow to be well controlled.

It regulates flow or pressure process

It helps in relieving pipe system to a certain pressure

There are numerous Valve outlines, sorts and designs, with an extensive variety of mechanical applications. All fulfill one or a greater amount of the work recognized previously. Valves are costly things, and it is necessary that a right Valve is tagged for the work, and must be built of the right material for the process fluid.

Description of the globe valve:

The globe valve is a kind of valve utilized for controlling stream within a pipeline, comprising of a versatile plug type component and a stationary seat in a generally round body.

Stainless Globe Valves are known because of their circular shape of the body which has two parts being divided by an inside baffle. It consist of an opening which structures a seat in which a versatile plug can be fastened to shut (or close) the valve. The plug is additionally called a disc. In globe valves, the plug is joined with a stem which is operated by fasten activity in manual valves. Normally, computerized valves use sliding stems. Mechanized globe valves have a smooth stem instead of strung and are opened and shut by an actuator gathering. At the point when a globe valve is physically worked, the stem is turned by a hand wheel.

Globe valves are utilized for applications obliging throttling and regular operation. For instance, globe valves or valves with a comparative system may be utilized as inspecting valves, which are typically close except when fluid samples are constantly taken. Since the baffle confines stream, they are not prescribed where full, unhindered stream is needed.

Specification of the globe valve:

Engineering specification (frequently abridged spec) is a clarified group of necessity which will be fulfilled by a material, product, or service. It is a sort of a standard which is frequently referenced by an agreement or attainment report. It gives the vital information about the particular product. Also, it is generally referred to as the specialized necessity of a product which is translated to satisfy customer’s wants.

Specifications of the selected globe valve are listed below;

Weight The weights of globe valves are orderly classified based on their nominal sizes frequently in inches. Therefore the chose globe valve in this report has a nominal size of 0.0127m which compares to a weight of 1.4kg.

Size Globe valves are of different sizes, but for the aim of this report the measure of the chose globe valve is 0.0128m nominal.

Materials The table below shows the materials of the various part of the Globe valve;

Table 1

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Color Those colors shown below are for the product selected.

Table 2

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Aesthetics Globe valves are known for their round body shape, with two 50%'s of the body being divided by an inside baffle, and they are likewise known for their smooth and alluring surface finish.

Life span The globe valve has a life span that ranges from 6-10 years.

Thermal resistivity The thermal resistivity of the selected globe valve has a service temperature of up to 500[0]C.

Service condition The service condition or operating process of the globe valve is in a straight movement. The hand-wheel is mounted on the stem and when physically turned transmits the direct movement to the valve plug which moves up from the valve seat to start the flow of liquid.

Safety The globe valve is perfectly designed to meet an ANSI safety standard.

Cost The price range for the selected product is $200-$300

The components and sub-assemblies of the Globe valve:

The individual product of the globe valve is made up of the components and the sub-assemblies. Hence a look at the globe valves sub-assemblies, materials and the functions. The globe valve is made up of the following parts and sub-assemblies;

Valve body:

The valve body of the globe valve contains the principle structure of pressure which helps in framing the valve weight. The valve body encompasses the whole inward parts of the valve that will interact in moving of the fluid that is constantly controlled. The valve bonnet is interfaced with the body and specifies with the control of liquid, or gas that is continuously controlled.

Functions It holds all the valves internal part in proper position.

Bonnet of the valve:

This part supplies a sealed closure towards the collection of the valve; the strung portion of the stem passes through a hole that contains matching string in the cap. The valves may have screw-in, union, or blasted hat. The screw-in hood gives a solid and weight tight seal; the union cap is ideal for application that demands examination or cleaning constantly; bolted bonnet can be used for bigger and higher applications.

Functions Support valve internals and accessories such as the stem, plug, and actuator.

Supplies a sealed closure towards the body of the valve Stem:

This component called stem links the actuator inside the valve and it also aids in the actuation energy transmission. It is essential that the stem has the capacity withstand a huge pressure power and it ought to procure a considerable measure of quality amid valve opening.

Functions It helps in transmitting the actuation force.

Valve actuator/Hand wheel The valve actuator can be manually used to control the valve.

Plug and Seat:

This plug is considered as the closure part of the valve and it is connected to the stem which is screwed up or down to modify the control while the seat offers a steady, reliable and replaceable close off surface. This part may be introduced and screwed in the same range of the body.

Functions The plug provides the capability for permitting and prohibiting fluid flow.

The seat or seal rings provide the seating surface for the plug.


Packing is mostly a fibrous material (such as flax) or another compound (such as Viton Rubber) that forms a seal between the internal parts of a valve and the external where the stem expands through the body.

Functions Prevent leakage from the spaces between valve joining.

Stud bolt/ Hex nut:

The bolts and nuts are used in fastening joints together.


Hold assembly joints together.

Task 1b

Solid model of globe valve

3D CAD model of individual components showing in isometric view with sketch fully defined

Valve body

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Figure 2

Valve bonnet

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Figure 3


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Figure 4


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Figure 5


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Figure 6

Small stud bolt

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Figure 7

Stud bolt

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Figure 8

Small hex nut

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Figure 9

Hex nut

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Figure 10

Top nut

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Figure 11

Fully assembly and fully defined part in isometric view shaded with edges

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Figure 12

All mates and fully assembly with HLV

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Figure 13

Exploded assembly with isometric view, shaded with edges with steps

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Figure 14

Task 2a

Market (customer) requirement and procedures used in survey


A survey is any activity that collects information in an organized and methodical manner about characteristics of interest from some or all units of a population using well-defined concepts, methods and procedures, and compiles such information into a useful summary, or detailed study of a market or geographical area to gather data on attitudes, impressions, opinions, satisfaction level, etc., by polling a section of the population. Market survey Market surveys are an essential part of market research that measure the state of mind and favorites of customers in a given market. It is often used to identify customer requirements of a product mostly in a very competitive market. Varying greatly in size, design, purpose and life span. Market surveys are one of the main ideas of data’s of the companies and organizations uses in determining what products and services to offer and how to design and market them, which is how to go about it.


Excerpt out of 47 pages


Research report on globe valve. Product innovation
Coventry University
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
research, product
Quote paper
Orakwelu Nzube Cliff (Author), 2013, Research report on globe valve. Product innovation, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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