Mr. Andre Norton


Andre Norton has been in law-enforcement for over three decades. His educational background in Criminology and Computer Science has given him a broad base from which to approach many topics in both disciplines. He possesses Master’s degree in Information Systems Management and Applied Criminology and Police Management and also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computing. He has presented at several international conferences and has also published several peer-reviewed journal articles. He is an advocate of the marriage between Criminology and Computer Science as a modern day approach to solving crime problems since he firmly believes that modern technology are allowing criminals to commit traditional crimes in more innovative ways.


Beschäftigt bei
Trinidad and Tobago Police Service
Angelegt am
Karrierenetzwerk (z.B. XING, LinkedIn) o.Ä.
Höchster Abschluss

Texte (1)

Autor: Mr. Andre Norton

eBooks 1
Beschäftigt bei Trinidad and Tobago Police Service
Berufsstand LECTURER
Angelegt am 31.3.2016