Post Graduate Epi Batibasaga


Epi Qalobula Batibasaga was born in Fiji. Epi is 28 years old. He has two sisters and two brothers. Two of them are older and the rest are younger than him. Epi has been married for 6 years. He has three children. His eldest sons name is Sueli.

About Me

I have recently completed my post graduate diploma in Marine Science and my next objective would be to continue on to the Masters program.


Employed at
Fisheries Department
Created on
I am looking for
Job Opportunities
I have to offer
Special Knowledge and Technical Skills
Highest degree
Post Graduate Diploma
Learning new things, Surfing the net

Texts (1)

Author: Post Graduate Epi Batibasaga

eBooks 1
Institution / College University of the South Pacific
Employed at Fisheries Department
Profession STUDENT
Created on 4/24/2017