Maria Clarisa Lucero


Maria Clarisa is a graduate of Mass Communication from Far Eastern University in Manila. She also finished her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and is a Registered Nurse. She finished her post-graduate degree in Psychiatric Nursing. She is currently working as a University Researcher. Her goal in life is to help others with enhancing their communication skills.

Über mich

I am a registered Nurse with Masters Degree in Psychiatric Nursing. I also have a Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication and experience as an English teacher.


Angelegt am
Ich biete
knowledge in writing thesis or research papers
Höchster Abschluss
Master in Psychiatric Nursing
research, writing

Texte (3)

Autor: Maria Clarisa Lucero

eBooks 3
Institution / Hochschule Univeristy of the Philippines
Berufsstand EMPLOYEE
Angelegt am 24.3.2013