Rebranding is a frequently used marketing measure whenever corporations strive for changes in the physical elements of their brands or their brand management. This paper analyzes how consumers’ brand awareness and brand image is affected, when consumers are confronted with altered brand names and symbols. By elaborating the concept of brand equity transfers and four different consumer response scenarios, psychological theories and effects are derived and related to prevalent findings of rebranding-caused brand equity loss.
"Rebranding" ist ein vielfach-angewandtes Marketinginstrument für den Fall, dass Unternehmen Veränderungen in physischen Markenmerkmalen oder ihrem Markenmanagement anstreben. Diese Arbeit untersucht wie Markenbekanntheit und Markenimage von Konsumenten beeinflusst werden, wenn Konsumenten mit veränderten Markennamen und –symbolen konfrontiert werden. Anhand der Ausarbeitung des Konzepts von Markenwert-Transfers sowie vier unterschiedlichen Konsumentenreaktionen werden psychologische Theorien und Effekte abgeleitet und in Zusammenhang mit verbreiteten Forschungsergebnissen über "Rebranding"-induzierte Verluste im Markenwert gesetzt.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Old wine in new bottles: Principles of corporate rebranding
- 2.1 Brands and brains - basic branding theory from a cognitive perspective
- 2.2 Dimensions of rebranding
- 2.2.1 From color shift to brand name change: different acts and motives of rebranding
- 2.2.2 Distinct marketing strategies for managing the rebranding process
- Abrupt vs. gradual rebranding
- Communicated vs. non-communicated rebranding
- 3. Rebranding from a consumer perspective
- 3.1 Rebranding as a potential destroyer of brand equity
- 3.2 Brand equity transfer: re-branding is re-settling consumer associations
- 3.3 Consumer response scenarios with regard to consumers' brand awareness and brand image
- 3.3.1 The consumer decision-making process
- 3.3.2 Brand agnosia or surprise effect – impacts on brand awareness
- Awareness and recognition as a premise for brand choice
- Worst-case scenario: recognition failure due to ruptured associations in consumer memory
- Rebranding as a surprise effect to activate consumers
- 3.3.3 What the consumer thinks: impact on brand image
- Negative attitude due to consumers' reluctance to change
- Avoiding consumer annoyance through communication and mere exposure
- 3.3.4 Outlined response scenarios at a glance
- 3.4 Derived implications for marketers to avoid brand equity loss
- 4. Outlook and conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper examines the impact of rebranding on consumer brand awareness and brand image. It explores the concept of brand equity transfer and how consumers react to altered brand names and symbols. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and opportunities associated with rebranding, drawing on psychological theories and empirical findings.
- The impact of rebranding on consumer brand awareness and brand image
- The concept of brand equity transfer and its role in rebranding
- Different consumer response scenarios to rebranding
- Psychological theories and effects related to rebranding
- Strategies for marketers to avoid brand equity loss during rebranding
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter introduces the topic of rebranding and its significance in marketing. It outlines the paper's research objectives and provides a brief overview of the key themes explored.
- Chapter 2: Old wine in new bottles: Principles of corporate rebranding This chapter delves into the theoretical foundations of rebranding. It examines basic branding theory from a cognitive perspective and discusses different dimensions of rebranding, including the types of changes made and the marketing strategies employed.
- Chapter 3: Rebranding from a consumer perspective This chapter focuses on the impact of rebranding on consumers. It explores the potential for rebranding to damage brand equity, examines the concept of brand equity transfer, and analyzes different consumer response scenarios. This chapter also explores the psychological factors influencing consumer reactions to rebranding and provides insights for marketers to mitigate brand equity loss.
- Chapter 4: Outlook and conclusion This chapter concludes the paper by summarizing the key findings and discussing future research directions. It emphasizes the importance of understanding consumer behavior and managing the rebranding process effectively to maximize brand success.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This paper focuses on the key concepts of rebranding, brand equity, brand awareness, brand image, consumer behavior, brand equity transfer, and consumer response scenarios. It also explores psychological theories and effects related to rebranding and provides practical implications for marketers seeking to effectively manage the rebranding process.
- Quote paper
- Teresa Pavelka (Author), 2014, Consumer Responses to "Rebranding". The Concept of Brand Equity Transfers and Four Different Consumer Response Scenarios, Munich, GRIN Verlag,