The financial crisis 2007 and its effects for the European economy and countries force the European Central Bank to intervene by monetary measures. To reach the primary goal, which is maintaining price stability by a Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices near but below two percent, the Central Bank utilizes some contentious policies like the Outright Monetary Transactions and the Asset-Purchase Program, in particular in the financial market.
The author delineated the main interventions of the ECB since October 2008. Furthermore, the writer used the IS-LM-Model to demonstrate the abstract impact of expansive monetary policy. Finally, he expanded on the main points of criticism, which were the allegation of clientele politics against the European Central Bank and the possible violation of its mandate due to the Outright Monetary Transactions. For this, the author outlined the arguments of both sides. Concluding, the author assessed, involving the current economic situation in the European system, that the monetary policy of the ECB supported the recovery of the financial sector and the members of the EU.
1 Einleitung
2 Zielvorstellung mit Eingrenzung des Themas und Definitionen
2.1 Zielvorstellung mit Eingrenzung des Themas
2.2 Definitionen
2.2.1 Geldmarktpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank
2.2.2 Quantitative Lockerung
3 Die Geldmarktpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank zur Bewältigung
der Finanzkrise 2007
3.1 Der Schock und seine Ursachen
3.2 Die Gegenmaßnahmen der Europäischen Zentralbank
3.3 Expansive Geldpolitik im IS-LM-Modell
4 Diskurs über die Geldmarktpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank in
der Finanzkrise
4.1 Kritische Bewertung hinsichtlich Effektivität und Zielgruppe der
geldpolitischen Maßnahmen der Europäischen Zentralbank
4.2 Deutsche Kritikpunkte am OMT-Programm der Europäischen
5 Fazit
The financial crisis 2007 and its effects for the European economy and countries force the European Central Bank to intervene by monetary measures. To reach the primary goal, which is maintaining price stability by a Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices near but below two percent, the Central Bank utilizes some contentious policies like the Outright Monetary Transactions and the Asset-Purchase Program, in particular in the financial market.
The author delineated the main interventions of the ECB since October 2008. Fur- thermore, the writer used the IS-LM-Model to demonstrate the abstract impact of expansive monetary policy. Finally, he expanded on the main points of criticism, which were the allegation of clientele politics against the European Central Bank and the possible violation of its mandate due to the Outright Monetary Transactions. For this, the author outlined the arguments of both sides. Concluding, the author assessed, involving the current economic situation in the European system, that the monetary policy of the ECB supported the recovery of the financial sector and the members of the EU.
- Arbeit zitieren
- Andreas Renner (Autor:in), 2016, Die Geldpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank zur Bewältigung der Finanzkrise 2007, München, GRIN Verlag,
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