Ukraine between the EU and Russia. Geopolitics and mechanisms of external influence behind European and Russian integration projects

Essay, 2018

11 Pages, Grade: 1

Abstract or Introduction

What geopolitical reasons lie behind the competing integrations projects initiated from Russia and the EU concerning Ukraine? This is the main question this essay is addressing. Additionally, it is also asked what extant these competing dynamics could lead to tension, conflict and war in the eastern European region. Which tools of soft and hard power from both Russia and the EU are used in order to influence the Ukrainian political trajectories in the post Orange Revolution era?

Russia’s and EU’s integration policies will be therefore described in empirical terms, based on secondary literature, and interpreted in terms of (neo-)realism. In analyzing Russia’s and EU’s foreign policy towards the Ukraine the author will consider Russia’s and EU’s official foreign policy concepts and other relevant documents and statements by their representatives. Among the features of the post-socialist transformation of Eastern Europe over the past two decades have been the conflicts over collective identities, geostrategic territories (national borders) and natural resources (especially natural gas and crude oil). Sometimes these conflicts have led to military confrontations.

But most important both external actors Russia and the EU have used a wide variety of instruments ranging from more coercive to softer tools in order to influence the domestic trajectories of the former Soviet states, geographically squeezed between the EU and Russia. As we will see in this essay, the case of Ukraine is special and is a culmination of a long-term crisis in EU-Russia relations.


Ukraine between the EU and Russia. Geopolitics and mechanisms of external influence behind European and Russian integration projects
University of Vienna  (Institut für Politikwissenschaft)
(BAK11) European Union - The European Union as a global actor
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
This work was graded "very good/ excellent"
EU, Ukraine, Russia, EU as global actor, geopolitics, peace studies, conflict studies
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Josef Muehlbauer (Author), 2018, Ukraine between the EU and Russia. Geopolitics and mechanisms of external influence behind European and Russian integration projects, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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