Docteur Antoine Niyungeko


Dr. Antoine NIYUNGEKO has more than 12 years working experience as Consultant in many business areas.He has a PhD in International Entrepreneurship, Master in Negociations and Sales Team Management, Master in Operational and Strategic Planning, and Master in Human Resources Management. He has created an audit and consultant firm ELAN CONSULT. The company is specialized in auditing, accounting, tax assistance, capacity building, and strategic planing. He has audited many company and projects. He has also trained workers from many companies.He has made 19 publications. Others are still under peer-review. He is a reviewer at Business & Economics journal which is indexed on Springer Nature. He is passionated by research. He has much skills in data analysis (qualitative and quantitative data). He has produced a practical guide of data analysis including useful statistical tests(regression, mediation, factor analysis, correlation, mean comparison, proportion comparision,etc). He speaks and write French, English, and Kirundi. He is in charge of research and data analysis in one local University.He actively in data analysis.
He can be contacted on mail: or by phone (+257) 75 997 606.

Acerca de mí

Dr. Antoine Niyungeko a plus de 12 ans d'expérience professionnelle dans le domaine d'audit, formation, planification stratégique et Ressources humaines. Il est passionné par la recherche. Il aime l'analyse des données.


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Grado académico
PhD. in International Entrepreneurship, Master en Managemet Stratégique et Opérationnel, Master en Négociation et Direction d'Equipes Commerciales, Master en Management des Ressources Humaines.
Analyse des données, Recherche, Publication, Consultance

Textos (19)

Autor: Docteur Antoine Niyungeko

eBooks 19
Empleado(a) de ELANCONSULT
Profesión MANAGER
Autor desde 15/6/2020