Dawit Dibekulu Alem is a Lecturer in TEFL at Mekdela Amba University, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of English Language and Literature. He was born in Ethiopia, East Gojjam. He finished his BA studies in English Language and Literature at Woldia University, and then he accomplished his MA studies in TEFL at Debre Markos University in Debre Markos Ethiopia. Dawit is a PhD candidate at Bahir Dar University. He is a member of the Reviewer Board for some international journals (International journal of psychology and counselling, International journal of learning, teaching, and educational research), African Educational Research Journal, International Research Journals and International Journal of English and Literature. His research interests include language assessment, literature, language-learning strategies, CALL, and material development, psychology, educational psychology, curriculum and syllabus design, social sciences and other language related areas. He has published articles on many domestic and international journals and presented some papers in various conferences (Conference at GLOBETS 2021).
- Employed at
- Mekdela Amba University
- Profession
- Created on
- 4/7/2022
- Career Network (e.g. LinkedIn)
- I am looking for
- translation , Lecturer Coomuniaction specialist
- Highest degree
- Masters