What are the main implications of the ‘shareholder’ and ‘stakeholder’ models of corporate governance for the development of long-term human resource strategies?

Seminar Paper, 2007

7 Pages, Grade: 1,0

Abstract or Introduction

The purpose of this essay is to point out how far a particular type of corporate governance determines human resource strategy and to what extent different HR strategies can be and are used in different systems of corporate governance. In this case the covered types of corporate governance are the ‘shareholder’ and the ‘stakeholder’ model. Generally, corporate governance is a matter of who owns the rights and the authority to make and influence companies’ decisions, which objectives are aligned and how it is controlled if executed decisions are together good ones. Corporate governance systems differ especially from the unequal role of shareholders and stakeholders, wherefore there exists the distinction between the ‘shareholder’ and the ‘stakeholder’ model of corporate governance. These differences have an important impact on the orientation of organizations’ HR-strategies, which are becoming more important for enhancing companies’ success. It suggests for this analysis to make a comparison between German and US corporations, which represent both a different type of corporate governance, as we are going to show. Before reviewing the implications concerning the specified above issue, first of all it is necessary to confront and define the main differences between the two mentioned models of corporate governance in Germany and the United States.


What are the main implications of the ‘shareholder’ and ‘stakeholder’ models of corporate governance for the development of long-term human resource strategies?
London School of Economics
International and Comparative Human Resource Management
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
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396 KB
Kommentar der Dozenten: "Excellent. This essay shows a clear understanding of the issues and conveys them with clarity and confidence. I especially liked the way you used Appelbaum et al. (...) I also liked the emphasis you put on the institutional context. Altogether a very pleasing essay!"
What, International, Comparative, Human, Resource, Management
Quote paper
Michael Hoffmann (Author), 2007, What are the main implications of the ‘shareholder’ and ‘stakeholder’ models of corporate governance for the development of long-term human resource strategies?, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/80065


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Title: What are the main implications of the ‘shareholder’ and ‘stakeholder’ models of corporate governance for the development of long-term human resource strategies?

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