Zum Warenkorb
Zum Warenkorb

Premium Services

Whether it be an individual cover, marketing package or proofreading: With our premium services you can improve the look and quality of your books – and therefore their sales opportunities. Of course, you can book all Premium Services for newly uploaded texts as well as for works already published at GRIN.

Would you like to book one of the Premium Services or receive an individual offer?
Contact us at premium@grin.com or +49 89 550 559-0. We are happy to consult you.

Premium Packages

Package S

The Starter Package
  • Cover
  • Press release
  • -
  • -

Package M

The professional package
  • Cover
  • Press release
  • Blurb
  • -

Package L

The full-service package
  • Cover
  • Press release
  • Blurb
  • Social Media Posts

More Premium Services

In addition to our packages, you can book numerous premium services individually. We would be happy to consult you  under premium@grin.com.

Professionalize your book

Base cover for 99 Euro
Send us your desired motif and we will create an appealing cover from it.

Plus Cover for 149 Euro
Our graphic designer designs several professional book covers. You then have a choice. Discover the diversity of our covers on our Pinterest page: www.pinterest.de/grinverlag.

Premium Cover for 199 Euro
Here, we design the cover together with you and take into account your personal motif wishes and design suggestions. You can also provide your own design.

The cover creation takes about 7-10 days.

Base layout from 1 Euro/page
We justify your text, check its paragraphs and headings, and create an automatic table of contents. We keep your layout, but it is standardized and gets useful features.

Plus layout from 3 Euro/page
We have prepared 6 layouts, which are optimized and differ in the composition of headings, fonts, etc. Choose one of them – we’ll take care of the rest.

Premium layout from 6 Euro/page
We adjust your text professionally and individually according to your wishes.

Formatting takes about 7-10 days, depending on the size and complexity of your text. We will be happy to make you an individual offer.

Promote your book

We create a professional press release with all the important information about your book and the cover and send it to up to 250 press portals, news services and blogs. Thousands of print and online editors, as well as freelance journalists and readers will be made aware of your title.

For an additional 79 euros, we forward the report to up to 6,000 additional agencies and journalists.

Our experienced editorial team writes a commercially optimized blurb for your paper. In addition, we add matching keywords to the advertising copy, so that your text can be found more easily in search engines such as Google, but also on Amazon (SEO marketing).

The professional blurb will appear in all online shops as an article description, as well as decorate the back of your print book.

Once your book is published, we’ll introduce it to over 8,000 potential readers on our Facebook page and on LinkedIn. We will make an exclusive post, which includes the cover image and a link to the shop.

In addition, our marketing managers promote your posting on Facebook. In this way, you can reach over 2,000 potential readers who are interested in your topic.

Do you have any questions or
do you need help?

Frau nimmt telefonische Anfrage entgegen

Mon-Fri: 10:00-13:00
and 14:00- 17:00

(Friday until 16:00)

+49 89 550559-0


Simply give us a call or write to us:

We are happy to assist you personally.