Get your reward in three easy steps
Your friend has never uploaded a text to GRIN or doesn’t have an account on our site yet?
Then tell him or her about us!
Copy your personal link from your author profile and share it with your friends, e.g. via Whatsapp!
We’ll give you five euros for every new author who publishes via your link!
Are you already a writer at GRIN and have friends who have also written term papers or theses? Then invite them to join us! You can copy an individual link from your author profile – for every person who registers via your link and publishes a text, you get five euros!
If you have copied the invitation link from your GRIN author profile, you can easily send it to your friends, for example by email or WhatsApp.
Your premium, just like your fees from sold texts, will be paid out with the quarterly statement.
By the way…
You can also use the link in your author profile to sell your own books. For every text sold, you will receive a five percent commission!