Shipping costs and delivery times
Here you will find an overview of our shipping costs and delivery times. We have compiled a list of the countries to which we deliver our GRIN books. Please note that shipping costs and delivery times vary depending on the recipient’s country.
Payment methods
You can choose between credit card, ApplePay (only if you visit Hausarbeiten with an Apple device) and PayPal.
PayPal is the world’s largest payment provider and is now common in almost all online shops. Paypal offers you a secure and simple payment method via direct debit, credit card or your PayPal balance. In order to be able to use PayPal, you need a PayPal account in which you can store your bank or credit card details so that they do not have to be entered again for each purchase. With PayPal you can easily pay by entering your email address and password. Your PayPal account will be debited directly with the corresponding amount and you will receive a confirmation of receipt of payment by e-mail. See for more information.
Shipping costs
Within Germany, delivery is always free of charge.
Outside Germany, shipping costs depend on the destination country as well as the weight of the delivery.
You can download an overview of the shipping costs here:
Within Germany, shipping usually takes 4-7 business days.
Germany 4 to 7 business days
(German islands: 6 - 11 business days)
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, France, United Kingdom, Italy 5 to 12 business days
Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Vatican City 5 to 12 business days
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia 5 to 12 business days
Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Monaco, San Marino 5 to 12 business days
Croatia, Iceland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Gibraltar, Russia 7 to 25 business days
Finland, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Norway 5 to 12 business days
Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia 7 to 25 business days
China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Canada, United States (USA), Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Australia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Mexico, Cocos Islands (Keeling Islands), Christmas Island 7 to 25 business days