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Zum Warenkorb

Open access: What is it and why is it worth it?

Open access: What is it?

Open Access means open and free access to scientific publications for all interested parties worldwide. In order to ensure flexible use, open access titles are electronic or online publications that can also appear in printed form like at GRIN.

The best-known definition comes from the so-called Budapest Declaration of 2002, a conference of the Budapest Open Access Initiative with the aim to make research results freely accessible to the public.

By “open access” to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself.

This is how the free open access publication at GRIN works:

  1. Sign up and
    upload your text
  2. Select a
    royalty option
  3. We create your
    ebook and book
    for free
  4. Distribution
  5. Your royalty
Registrieren und Datei hochladen

Register and upload text

First, sign up to GRIN. Afterwards, you can add your text directly to your account. In order to do that, simply click "select file" and upload your Word or PDF file.

Honoraroption wählen

Choose a royalty option

From the 3 fee options at GRIN, simply choose the open access publication and share your knowledge with the world for free.

Wir erstellen Ihr E-Book und Buch

We create your e-book and book for free

Our editorial team creates an e-book and a book from the file you uploaded. E-book and book will have their own ISBN. Your publication receives its own cover and we publish your text in our online shop, where it can be viewed for free.

Weltweiter Vertrieb

Worldwide sales

The special feature of GRIN: in addition to the e-book, which is available for free, we create a print version of your text. This is marketed through a worldwide sales network of over 300 online shops. Your book is also available at local bookstores.

Hohes Autorenhonorar erhalten

Receive a high author's royalty

With the book, you profit from every sale. GRIN pays an author's fee of up to 20% on book sales.

Why open access is the right choice for you:

Do you have any questions or
do you need help?

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Mon-Fri: 10:00-13:00
and 14:00- 17:00

(Friday until 16:00)

+49 89 550559-0


Simply give us a call or write to us:

We are happy to assist you personally.

Preview image: Lecturer with students in the background


With GRIN, it is very easy to make course material and scripts available to your students permanently - as an e-book and a printed book.

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Vorschaubild: Sitzbereich mit Logo von GRIN

About GRIN

GRIN is your reliable partner for the publication of specialised knowledge, as well as for the worldwide publication of academic texts.

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