Zum Warenkorb
Zum Warenkorb

Author contract and fees (01.06.2021 to 02.08.2021)

On this page you can download your contract as a PDF and read about the calculation of your royalty.

Please note: The date of when the contract was accepted, not the publication date, is decisive for the contract. It is therefore possible that you have accepted various contracts for your texts.
If you are not sure which contract is valid for your individual texts, please contact our support at info@grin.com or tel: +49 89-550559-0.

Author’s contract

Download the author’s contract here:

Overview of the royalties

This fee table applies if you have accepted the author contract between 01.06.2021 (17.00 hrs) and 02.08.2021 (11.15 hrs).

Each sale of a work is compensated according to the following table. All percentages refer to the price of the publishing fee.

Author’s royalty on e-book sales

  • www.grin.com 30 %

    Final papers and specialist books / Other works

  • www.hausarbeiten.de 30 %

    Final papers and specialist books / Other works

  • www.diplomarbeiten24.de 30 %

    Final papers and specialist books / Other works

  • www.unterweisungen.de 30 %

    Final papers and specialist books / Other works

  • Amazon Kindle, iBook Store, Google Play, Ciando, Pubbles, Libri, Genios, Other Distrubutors 15%

    All categories

  • Royalty bonus through partner links* +5%

    All categories

Author’s royalty on book sales

  • Via Books on Demand / Wholesale 15%

    All categories

  • www.grin.com 15%

    All categories

  • www.hausarbeiten.de 15%

    All categories

  • www.diplomarbeiten24.de 15%

    All categories

  • www.unterweisungen.de 15%

    All categories

  • Royalty bonus through partner links* +5%

    All categories

The price of the publishing fee is the retail price without the statutory value added tax and without trade discounts, production and shipping costs.

The retaill price can be determined individually by the respective dealer, unless the nationally bound retail price is determined by law (net book agreement).

If an author chooses a one-time royalty,there is no percentage of the compensation of sales. In this case, the author will receive a one-time payment of 10 euros (depending on the country, if applicable 10 GBP, 10 CHF or 10 USD).

For sales in the context of a licensing to other publishers of the publishing group, the author receives 10% of the publishing fee. These royalties are calculated with the publishers once a year.

The annual billing mode also applies to subscription and subscription models, as well as various loan and retrieval models for libraries.

* If you link your texts to a partner code, you can get an extra 5% on each text sold via this link. Read more about the partner program here.