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Zum Warenkorb
Vorschaubild: Lehrerin steht im Klassenraum vor ihrer Klasse

At GRIN, teachers publish
their teaching materials
fast and free

Sharing knowledge and helping others with GRIN

At GRIN, as a teacher, you publish your teaching material easily and free of charge. Share your lesson designs and materials with other teachers and provide students with learning aids on a permanent basis! You benefit from our uncomplicated publishing process as well as high author fees.

That's why you should publish your lesson designs at GRIN

Your knowledge pays off

Publish texts and earn money for free

At GRIN, you publish your academic texts completely free of charge and at the same time receive a high author's fee on each sale.

3 easy steps to publish

Upload, choose fee option - we do the rest

Don't let your works be dusted in the drawer, but simply make money with them! At GRIN you will receive a professional publication service.

Author will be available in just 5 minutes

Publish your texts worldwide with ISBN

Publish quickly and benefit permanently. We sell your e-book and book nationwide in hundreds of online shops and bookshops online or on site.

Your e-book and book with your own ISBN

Professional and free publication

At GRIN, your texts appear as a professional e-book and high-quality paperback with its own ISBN.

Over 20 years of publishing experience

Publish to the Professional for Scientific Publishing!

GRIN is a leading provider of academic texts and a pioneer in the digital book market. Benefit from our expertise and many years of experience.

How it works: Upload a text and publish your own book

  1. Sign up and
    upload your text
  2. Select a
    royalty option
  3. We create
    your e-book and
    book for free
  4. Distribution
  5. Your royalty
Registrieren und Datei hochladen

Sign up and upload your file

First, sign up to GRIN. Afterwards, you can add your text directly to your account. In order to do that, simply click "select file" and upload your Word or PDF file.

Honoraroption wählen

Select a royalty option

At GRIN, you can, either, profit from every sold unit, receive a guaranteed one-time royalty, or offer your work for free. Select one of the options - we take care of the rest.

Wir erstellen Ihr E-Book und Buch

We create your e-book and book

Our editorial team creates a complete e-book and a book from the file you uploaded. E-book and book will have their own ISBN. Your publication receives its own cover and we publish your text in our online shop.

Weltweiter Vertrieb

Worldwide distribution

Not only do we publish your work in our own shop - there is also a world wide network of distributors with over 300 online shops. Your book is also available in your local book store.

Hohes Autorenhonorar erhalten

Receive a high author's royalty

Lean back and make money: If you choose one of our royalty options, you profit from every sold unit. GRIN pays a high author's royalty of up to 25%.

Successful authors - satisfied customers:

5 Sterne Bewertung
Both myself and my students benefit from GRIN. In this way, the work of others is rewarded and one gets scientifically sound texts on almost all topics. I already have my own shelf for GRIN publications.
Nathalie Hot
5 Sterne Bewertung
Thanks to GRIN, I am not only writing for the drawer, but can share my research interests with a large number of like-minded people.
Simone Lackerbauer
5 Sterne Bewertung
Really a great thing! The GRIN-Verlag allows me to easily make some extra cash out of the amount of time spent on project and seminar work.
Julia Maurer
5 Sterne Bewertung
Publishing is quick and straightforward. The GRIN Team very professional!
Arthur Gogohia
5 Sterne Bewertung
I think it's great that through GRIN more people than just the professor read their own work.
Christoph Schubert

Do you have any questions or
do you need help?

Frau nimmt telefonische Anfrage entgegen

Mon-Fri: 10:00-13:00
and 14:00- 17:00

(Friday until 16:00)

+49 89 550559-0


Simply give us a call or write to us:

We are happy to assist you personally.

Registrieren und Publizieren

Tips for using Microsoft Word

Get to know practical possibilities for formatting and automation.

Registrieren und Publizieren

Help for academic writing

We help you with finding a topic, the literary research and with the academic writing.

Titelbild: Uni-Absolventen nach der feierlichen Zeugnisverleihung

Publish your thesis

At GRIN, you can publish your final assignment for free. It is easy, quick and free of costs. Share your knowledge and make money off of it.

Link zur Seite

Preview image: Lecturer with students in the background


With GRIN, it is very easy to make course material and scripts available to your students permanently - as an e-book and a printed book.

Link zur Seite