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History of Europe - Middle Ages, Early Modern Age
German Studies - Modern German Literature
World History - Early and Ancient History
History of Europe - Modern Times, Absolutism, Industrialization
Social Work
History of Germany - National Socialism, World War II
Didactics - History
History of Germany - Postwar Period, Cold War
History of Germany - 1848, Empire, Imperialism
History of Europe - Newer History, European Unification
Communications - Journalism, Journalism Professions
German Studies - Older German Literature, Medieval Studies
History of Germany - World War I, Weimar Republic
History - Miscellaneous
Politics - Political Systems - Germany
Theology - Historic Theology, Ecclesiastical History
Romance Studies - Spanish Studies
Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance
Business economics - Banking, Stock Exchanges, Insurance, Accounting
Communications - Media and Politics, Politic Communications
History of Europe - Ages of World Wars
Communications - Movies and Television
Politics - Political Theory and the History of Ideas Journal
German Studies - Linguistics
Politics - Topic: Peace and Conflict, Security
Politics - Region: Near East, Near Orient
History - America
Politics - Topic: European Union
Didactics for the subject German - Literature, Works
History of Germany - Modern History
Business economics - Offline Marketing and Online Marketing
Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology
History - Basics
Theology - Biblical Theology
Communications - Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Social M...
Film Science
World History - Antiquity
Communications - Media History
Sociology - Politics, Majorities, Minorities
Sociology - Individual, Groups, Society
Politics - Region: USA
German Studies - Comparative Literature
Theater Studies, Dance
Politics - History of Political Systems
Politics - Region: Russia
Business economics - Investment and Finance
Philosophy - Theoretical (Realisation, Science, Logic, Language)
Russian / Slavic Languages
English Language and Literature Studies - Literature
German Studies - Literature of History, Eras
Art - History of Art
Philosophy - Philosophy of the 20th century
World History - Modern History
Musicology - Miscellaneous
Business economics - Accounting and Taxes
French Studies - Literature
Business economics - Economic Policy
German Studies - Miscellaneous
Pedagogy - Pedagogic Psychology
Psychology - Social Psychology
Psychology - Clinical Psychology, Psychopathology, Prevention
History - Asia
Theology - Miscellaneous
Didactics for the subject German - Pedagogy, Linguistics
Pedagogy - General
Philosophy - Practical (Ethics, Aesthetics, Culture, Nature, Right,...
Politics - Political systems in general and in comparison
Economics - Finance
Social Studies (General)
Politics - Miscellaneous
Law - Philosophy, History and Sociology of Law
Cultural Studies - Miscellaneous
Politics - Region: Eastern Europe
Politics - Region: Western Europe
Geography / Earth Science - Physical Geography, Geomorphology, Envi...
Politics - Topic: German Foreign Policy
Cultural Studies - European Studies
Law - European and International Law, Intellectual Properties
Economics - Monetary theory and policy
Business economics - Miscellaneous
Politics - General and Theories of International Politics
Pedagogy - Orthopaedagogy and Special Education
Politics - Region: Middle and South America
Sociology - Media, Art, Music
Philosophy - Miscellaneous
Communications - Miscellaneous
Sport - Sport History
Communications - Theories, Models, Terms and Definitions
Theology - Systematic Theology
Literature - Comparative Literature
Tourism - Miscellaneous
Pedagogy - Pedagogic Sociology
Psychology - Work, Business, Organisation
Politics - Region: Africa
Sociology - Miscellaneous
Politics - Topic: International Organisations
French Studies - Linguistics
Sociology - General and Theoretical Directions
Business economics - Economic and Social History
Sociology - Relationships and Family
Theology - Comparative Religion Studies
Communications - Multimedia, Internet, New Technologies
Pedagogy - School Pedagogics
History of Europe - European Postwar Period
Romance Studies - Italian and Sardinian Studies
Communications - Print Media, Press
Leadership and Human Resources - Miscellaneous
Pedagogy - Miscellaneous Topics
American Studies - Culture and Applied Geography
Computer Science - Commercial Information Technology
Psychology - Miscellaneous
Philosophy - Philosophy of the Ancient World
American Studies - Literature
Orientalism / Sinology - Japanology
Politics - Basics and General
Didactics - Politics, Political Education
Geography / Earth Science - Demographics, Urban Management, Planning
Pedagogy - History of Pedagogy
Business economics - Controlling
World History - General and Comparison
Theology - Religion (For Pre-University Students)
History - Africa
Romance Studies - Latin American Studies
Business economics - General
Communications - Media Economics, Media Management
Geography / Earth Science - Economic Geography
Politics - Other International Politics Topics
Sociology - Work, Education, Organisation
Didactics - Common Didactics, Educational Objectives, Methods
Latin philology - Literature
Psychology - General
Sociology - Law and Delinquency
Psychology - Consulting and Therapy
Pedagogy - Media Pedagogy
Literature - General
Politics - Region: Southeastern Europe
Orientalism / Sinology - Chinese / China
Politics - Topic: History of Inernational Relations
Sociology - Social System and Social Structure
Sport - Sport Sociology
Sociology - Religion
Cultural Studies - Basics and Definitions
Economics - History
French Studies - Culture
Economics - Macro-economics, general
Sport - Sport Economics, Sport Management
Didactics - Theology, Religion Pedagogy
Geography / Earth Science - Regional Geography
History of Europe - Europe in the Cold War
Art - Architecture / History of Construction
Orientalism / Sinology - Islamic Studies
Sociology - Culture, Technology, Nations
Law - Public Law / Constitutional Law / Basic Rights
Pedagogy - Intercultural Pedagogy
Speech Science / Linguistics
Philosophy - Philosophy of the 17th and 18th Centuries
Engineering - Industrial Engineering and Management
Communications - Research, Studies, Enquiries
Politics - Topic: Public International Law and Human Rights
Pedagogy - Nursery Pedagogy, Early Childhood Education
Pedagogy - Job Education, Further Education
Communications - Intercultural Communication
Didactics for the subject German - History of Literature, Eras
Geography / Earth Science - Meteorology, Aeronomy, Climatology
Philosophy - General Essays, Eras
Politics - Topic: International relations
Law - Penology
Business economics - Law
Politics - Environmental Policy
Psychology - Media Psychology
Psychology - Developmental Psychology
Health - Miscellaneous
Law - Civil / Private, Trade, Anti Trust Law, Business Law
Business economics - Supply, Production, Logistics
Sociology - War and Peace, Military
Literature - Modern Literature
Pedagogy - School System, Educational and School Politics
Economics - Case Scenarios
Politics - Methods, Research
Gender Studies
Didactics for the subject German - German as a Foreign Language
Politics - Region: South Asia
Economics - International Economic Relations
Communications - Mass Media
Philosophy - Philosophy of the 19th Century
Economics - Other
Politics - Topic: Globalization, Political Economics
German Studies - Genres
Politics - Region: Other States
Didactics - German Studies
Geography / Earth Science - Miscellaneous
Pedagogy - Family Education
Communications - Ethics in the Media
Sociology - Children and Youth
Politics - Region: Far East
Nursing Science - Miscellaneous
Orientalism / Sinology - Miscellaneous
Latin philology - Medivial and Modern Latin
Sociology - Basics and General
Theology - Practical Theology
Business economics - Information Management
Pedagogy - Theory of Science, Anthropology
Didactics - Business economics, Economic Pedagogy
Sport - Sport Medicine, Therapy, Nutrition
Business economics - Revision, Auditing
Didactics - Sport, Sport Pedagogy
Psychology - Intelligence and Learning Psychology
Cultural Studies - East European Studies
Didactics for the subject French - Literature, Works
South Asian Studies, South-Eastern Asian Studies
Didactics for the subject German - Miscellaneous
Pedagogy - Adult Education
Scandinavian Languages
Orientalism / Sinology - Arabistic
Literature - Slavic Literature
Didactics - Mathematics
Sociology - Methodology and Methods
Pedagogy - Social pedagogy
History - Europe
Law - Miscellaneous
Psychology - Personality Psychology
Law - Criminal process, Criminology, Law Enforcement
Psychology - Diagnostics
English Language and Literature Studies - Culture and Applied Geogr...
Sport - Media and Communication
Law - Public Law / Administrative Law
Economics - Job market economics
German Studies - Semiotics, Pragmatics, Semantics
Didactics for the subject English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies
Organisation and administration - Miscellaneous
Business economics - Trade and Distribution
Health - Public Health
Pedagogy - Art education
Law - Public Law / Miscellaneous
Economy - Environment economics
Communications - Methods and Research Logic
Economics - Economic Cycle and Growth
Art - Painting
Sociology - Medicine and Health
Cultural Studies - Empiric Cultural Studies
Didactics - Regional History and Geography
Sociology - Old Age
Psychology - Forensic Psychology and Penal System
Communications - Specialized communication
Communications - Broadcast and entertainment
Pedagogy - Reform Pedagogics
Mathematics - Stochastics
Business economics - Company formation, Business Plans
Asian studies
Business economics - Operations Research
Nursing Science - Nursing Management
Sociology - Knowledge and Information
Didactics - Geography
Sociology - Economy and Industry
Economics - Statistics and Methods
Cultural Studies - Near Eastern Studies
Psychology - Industrial and organizational psychology
Jewish Studies
Psychology - Methods
Physics - Other
Economics - Micro-economics
Didactics for the subject French - Applied Geography
Art - Art Theory, General
English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics
Sociology - Habitation and Urban Sociology
Cultural Studies - Holocaust Studies
Didactics - Social Studies/ Civics
Literature - Romance Literature
Urban and Regional Planning
Psychology - Biological Psychology
Didactics for the subject French - Pedagogy, Literature Studies
African Studies - Miscellaneous
Geography / Earth Science - Tourism Geography
Art - Computer Art / Graphics / Art in Media
Computer Science - Applied
Health - Nutritional Science
Law - Civil / Private / Industrial / Labour
Book Science
Sociology - Communication
Energy Sciences
Law - Tax / Fiscal Law
Law - Comparative Legal Systems, Comparative Law
Art - Miscellaneous
Leadership and Human Resources - Generation Y, Generation Z
Art - Installation / Action/Performance Art / Modern Art
Philosophy - Philosophy of the present
Business economics - Market research
Musicology - Contemporary music
Leadership and Human Resources - Leadership
Health - Health system
Didactics for the subject German - Genres
Physics - Astronomy
Politics - Topic: International development
Pedagogy - Inclusion
Theology - Islamic theology
Literature - Latin America
Health Sciences - Health Psychology
Business economics - Business Ethics, Corporate Ethics
Medicine - Anatomy, Physiology, Cytology
Pedagogy - The Teacher, Educational Leadership
Library Science, Information- / Documentation Science
Engineering - Civil Engineering
Didactics - Biolology
Computer Science - Internet, New Technologies
Law - Media, Multimedia Law, Copyright
Business economics - Corporate communication
Nursing Science - Geriatric Care
Art - Sculpture / Plastics
Didactics for the subject English - Literature, Works
Economics - Foreign Trade Theory, Trade Policy
Sport - Theory and Practice
Art - Graphics / Illustration / Print
Geography / Earth Science - Geology, Mineralogy, Soil Science
Modern Greek
Biology - Human Biology
Leadership and Human Resources - Management Styles
Orientalism / Sinology - General
Psychology - Adjacent Fields and Auxiliary Sciences
Computer Science - Technical Computer Science
Engineering - Safety Engineering
Medicine - Internal Medicine
Computer Science - Software
Greek Studies - Literature
Medicine - Hospital Environment, Clinical Medicine
Agrarian Studies
Law - Civil / Private / Law of Obligation / Property Law
Cultural Studies - Middle Eastern Studies
Didactics for the subject German - Discussion and Essays
Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
Classic Philology - Other
Tourism - Event management
Environmental Sciences
Didactics - Spanish
Medicine - Other
Sociology - Consumption and Advertising
Instructor Plans: Transportation Professions / Air Transportation /...
Art - Iconography, motives, symbols
Physics - Theoretical Physics
Instructor Plans: Pedagogy / Education / Consultation
Literature - Africa
Sport - Miscellaneous
Medicine - Therapy
Sport - Kinematics and Training Theory
Earth Science / Geography - History of Geography
Literature - Medieval Literature
Organisation and administration - Public safety and order
Museum Studies
Computer Sciences - Computational linguistics
Leadership and Human Resources - Occupational burnout and stress at...
Biology - Evolution
Health - Stress management
Sport - Sport Psychology
Psychology - Cognition
Social Work - Child and Youth Welfare
Physics - Quantum Physics
Design (Industry, Graphics, Fashion)
Health - Sports science
Classic Philology - Greek Studies
Communications - Media / Journalism
History of Europe
Psychology - Psychology of Religion
Computer Science - Theory
French Studies - Miscellaneous
Medicine - Diagnostics
English Language and Literature Studies - Comparative Literature
Health Sciences - History
Business economics - Industrial Management
African Studies - Culture and Applied Geography
Tourism - Hotel Industry / Catering
Communications - Interpersonal Communication
Art - Overall Considerations
Biology - Genetics / Gene Technology
Politics - Topic: Development Politics
Didactics - Latin
American Studies - Linguistics
Forestry / Forestry Economics
Mathematics - Statistics
Chemistry - Organic Chemistry
Didactics - Physics
Nautical Science
Engineering - Aerospace Technology
Didactics for the subject English - Applied Geography
Didactics for the subject French - Miscellaneous
Didactics for the subject English - Miscellaneous
Romance Studies - Interdisciplinary
Law - Civil / Private / Family Law / Law of Succession
Medicine - Neurology, Psychiatry, Addiction
Didactics - Earth Science
Guidebooks - Sports and Fitness
Earth Science / Geography - Geopolitics
Romance Studies - Catalan Studies
Rhetoric / Elocution / Oratory
Economy - Theory of Competition, Competition Policy
Art - Arts Management
Law - Data protection
Pedagogy - Higher Education
Mathematics - Analysis
American Studies - Miscellaneous
Literature - Scandinavia and Iceland
Guidebooks - Law, Career, Finance
Medicine - Social medicine, Industrial / Occupational Medicine
Medicine - Alternative Medicine
Computer Science - Bioinformatics
Art - German art
Biology - Diseases, Health, Nutrition
Physics - Nuclear Physics
Organisation and administration - Disaster control
Chemistry - Other
Didactics - Handwork, Textiles
Computer Science - Programming
Art - Art of European countries
Philosophy - Philosophy of the Middle Ages (approx. 500-1350)
Didactics - Home Economics
Food Technology
Theology - Hinduism
Medicine - Dentistry
Nursing Science - Violence in nursing
Computer Science - IT-Security
Medicine - Surgery, Accident Medicine
Pedagogy - Integration
Didactics - Ethics
Musicology - Historical musicology
Travel Guidebooks - Travelogues
Nursing Science - Palliative Care
Medicine - Gynecology, Andrology
Art - Photography and Film
Nature Protection, Landscape Conservation
Learning materials - German
Biology - Miscellaneous
Sport - Sports Equipment and Supplies
Leadership and Human Resources - Employee Motivation, Employee Sati...
Organisation and administration - Public administration
History of Europe - Colonialism
Medicine - Radiology, Nuclear Medicine
Mathematics - Applied Mathematics
Leadership and Human Resources - Coaching
Earth Science / Geography - General, Basics
Geography / Earth Science - Oceanography
Didactics - Spanish Studies
Business economics - Review of Business Studies
Romance Studies - Miscellaneous
Law - IT law
African Studies - Literature
Economy - Health Economics
Physics - Mechanics
Medicine - Epidemiology
Computer Sciences - Artificial Intelligence
Chemistry - Bio-chemistry
Business economics
History of Germany
Computer Science - General
Theology - Buddhism
Economy - Real estate industry
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Der Akteur der analytischen Soziologie und das Ereignis
- Kann die Anatomie des Sozialen ein Ereignis erklären
Sebastian Weirauch (Author)
Sociology - General and Theoretical Directions
Term Paper (Advanced seminar) , 2009 , Grade: 1,7
US$ 0.99
Stefan Zweigs 'Amokläufer' zwischen Ereignis und Nicht-Ereignis
'Wissen Sie, was Amok ist?'
Carolin Hildebrandt (Author)
Literature - Comparative Literature
Term Paper (Advanced seminar) , 2013 , Grade: 1,0
US$ 16.99
Erinnerung an traumatische Ereignisse
Julian Schäfer (Author)
Psychology - General
Term Paper (Advanced seminar) , 2007 , Grade: 1
US$ 14.99
Untersuchung der Rolle des Heeres in der späten römischen Republik in Bezug auf politische Ereignisse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von L. Cornelius Sulla
Bakkelaureus Artium Christopher Sommer (Author)
World History - Early and Ancient History
Seminar Paper , 2004 , Grade: 1,3
US$ 15.99
Die Ereignisse des Jahres 1956 in Polen und Ungarn in der bundesdeutschen Presse
Eike-Christian Kersten (Author)
History of Germany - Postwar Period, Cold War
Thesis (M.A.) , 2008 , Grade: 1,3
US$ 41.99
Die Ereignisse des 2. Juni 1967 in der sprachlichen Rezeption der Studentenbewegung am Beispiel der "Dokumente zu den Ereignissen des Schah-Besuchs"
Miriam Oberle (Author)
German Studies - Semiotics, Pragmatics, Semantics
Term Paper , 2005 , Grade: 2,3
US$ 0.99
Die Auferstehung Jesu als ein historisches Ereignis bei Wolfhart Pannenberg
Dr. Nicholas Ibeawuchi Mbogu (Author)
Theology - Systematic Theology
Term Paper , 2005 , Grade: 1,0
US$ 17.99
Die Nachrichtenwerttheorie - Wie ein Ereignis zur Nachricht wird
Kai Olschewski (Author)
Communications - Theories, Models, Terms and Definitions
Term Paper , 2005 , Grade: 1,0
US$ 17.99
Der 17. Juni 1953: Eine Untersuchung der realhistorischen Ereignisse sowie deren Erinnerungsdimensionen.
Heiner Hoffmann (Author)
Cultural Studies - European Studies
Seminar Paper , 2004 , Grade: 1,3
US$ 15.99
Genuine Ereignisse im Bundestagswahlkampf 2002
Patrick Wilke (Author)
Communications - Media and Politics, Politic Communications
Seminar Paper , 2002 , Grade: Sehr Gut ( - )
US$ 15.99
Die Auswirkungen von sozial-historischen Ereignissen auf Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht und seine Werke
Sebastian Görz (Author)
Literature - General
Elaboration , 2015 , Grade: 1,0
US$ 17.99
Kooperationen im internationalen Lienienflugverkehr und Problemfelder bei unvorhergesehenen Ereignissen. Dargestellt am Beispiel des Terroranschlags auf die USA am 11. September 2001
Marina Brummel (Author)
Business economics - Operations Research
Diploma Thesis , 2002 , Grade: 2
US$ 36.99
Wie bewerten Gregor VII. und Lampert von Hersfeld die Ereignisse von Canossa?
Benjamin Waldraff (Author)
History of Europe - Middle Ages, Early Modern Age
Term Paper , 2009
US$ 15.99
Veränderungsrelevante Ereignisse im Coaching
Eine qualitative Vergleichsstudie der Wahrnehmungen von Coachs und Klienten in Hinblick auf Ziele, Erfolgsfaktoren und Auswirkungen
Sarah Heid (Author)
Psychology - Consulting and Therapy
Diploma Thesis , 2012 , Grade: 1,0
US$ 44.99
Der 20. Juli 1944. Darstellung der Ereignisse im Spielfilm "Operation Walküre" (2009)
Scheitern des Umsturzes
Franziska Jockenhöfer (Author)
History of Germany - National Socialism, World War II
Pre-University Paper , 2011 , Grade: 12 Punkte (2+)
US$ 14.99
Die Bewertung der Ereignisse 89/90 als eine demokratische Revolution
Nele Pohl (Author)
History of Europe - Newer History, European Unification
Essay , 2006 , Grade: 1,7
US$ 6.99
Die spanische Missionierung in der Neuen Welt im 16. Jh.- Das Guadalupe-Ereignis in Mexiko
René Schlott (Author)
History of Europe - Middle Ages, Early Modern Age
Seminar Paper , 2003 , Grade: 1,0
US$ 15.99
Vergleich der Perzeption von politischen Ereignissen durch Konservative und Liberale
Nicole Stompor (Author)
Politics - Methods, Research
Term Paper , 2019 , Grade: 1,7
US$ 15.99
Der Irakkrieg 2003. Darstellung der Gründe, Ereignisse und Folgen
Autor:in: Anonymous
World History - Modern History
Pre-University Paper , 2019 , Grade: 1
US$ 7.99
Das Thusner Strafgericht. Vorgeschichte und zeitgenössische Bewertung dieses Ereignisses
Autor:in: Anonymous
History - Miscellaneous
Term Paper , 2018 , Grade: 1,7
US$ 15.99
Die Revolution von 1918/19 in Berlin. Die Rezeption revolutionärer Ereignisse durch die Berliner Tagespresse
Autor:in: Anonymous
History of Germany - World War I, Weimar Republic
Term Paper (Advanced seminar) , 2017 , Grade: 1,7
US$ 17.99
Ereignisse und Entwicklungen auf dem Weg zur Unabhängigkeit Indonesiens
Die Zeit der japanischen Besatzung von 1942 bis 1945
Autor:in: Anonymous
History - Asia
Term Paper , 2014 , Grade: 1,0
US$ 14.99
Not- und Katastrophenpsychologie. Ist es möglich eine eindeutige Richtlinie für traumatische Ereignisse und psychosoziale Interventionen zu erstellen?
Student B.A. Emergency Practitioner Roland Dombrowski (Author)
Psychology - Miscellaneous
Scientific Essay , 2014 , Grade: 2
US$ 12.99
Ereignis und Akt. Badiou und Zizek
Danny Krämer (Author)
Philosophy - Philosophy of the 20th century
Term Paper , 2013 , Grade: 1,7
US$ 15.99
Inwieweit können internationale Ereignisse das Parteiensystem der BRD beeinflussen?
Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Landtagserfolge von Bündnis90/Die Grünen 2011
Denise Linke (Author)
Politics - Political Systems - Germany
Term Paper (Advanced seminar) , 2011 , Grade: 2,3
US$ 14.99