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Academic Plus Outstanding theses on current research topics

Our imprint Academic Plus gives theses from the subjects of business, media, humanities, history, education, law, computer science and health their own platform. These are researched in particular detail and pursue innovative approaches that are of interest beyond their respective disciplinary boundaries. In addition to social analyses and studies on current issues, our authors also provide practical recommendations for action.

All theses published with Academic Plus have been rated very well by the respective universities and have been thoroughly reviewed by our editorial team. During the selection process, our editors place great value on thematic relevance, scientific quality as well as current topics and issues. Follow the latest developments in your field with Academic Plus!

Academic Plus introduces itself: selected publications from our imprint

The Feasibility of Predicting Financial Crises using Machine Learning

Selected Regression Algorithms and Macroeconomic Data

This bachelor thesis investigates the use of machine learning, in particular regression algorithms, to analyze and predict financial crises based on macroeconomic data. By building six different regression models and optimizing them using cross-validation and GridSearch, the feasibility of using these technologies for accurate predictions is discussed. Although traditional models show limited effectiveness, the integration of machine learning, especially kNN algorithms, reveals significant potential for improving prediction accuracy. 

The Power of Shareholder Activism. A Force for Change in Corporate Governance?

This master thesis endeavors to scrutinize the efficacy of shareholder activism as a governance mechanism. Drawing upon existing research, it seeks to unravel the intricacies of this phenomenon, spanning its definitions, historical evolution, and diverse manifestations. The thesis will delve into the challenges posed by active shareholders, including the free rider problem, agency conflicts, and the contentious realm of proxy fights. Additionally, it will conduct a comprehensive exploration of the motivations driving shareholder activism, encompassing economic incentives, moral imperatives, and the burgeoning influence of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations.

Cinematic Portrayals of Alzheimer’s Disease. Realism, Responsibility, and Representation

The depiction of Alzheimer’s disease in films raises questions about its accuracy and responsibility in portraying a complex issue for entertainment purposes. This study delves into the balance between cinematic storytelling and factual representation, motivated by the influence of movies on public perception and understanding.

Successful Digital Transformation in Finance. Customer-Centricity and Future Business Models Beyond Smart Technologies

As technology reshapes traditional paradigms, the financial industry experiences a seismic shift towards digital transformation. Fintech’s emergence and the importance of smart services redefine operations, challenge business models, and create avenues for innovation. This literature review explores the theoretical framework of digital transformation, dissecting definitions, and explaining its impact on finance.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Resilience. An Examination of European Companies during the COVID-19 Crisis

This paper examines the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in influencing stock performance during the COVID-19 crisis, focusing on European companies. CSR, defined as “the responsibility of enterprises for their impact on society” by the European Commission, has been suggested as a potential factor in protecting shareholder wealth during crises. The study aims to assess whether companies engaged in CSR activities exhibit better resilience during economic downturns.

Our latest releases at Academic Plus

Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung von Instagram-Werbung. Eine Vergleichsstudie deutscher und britischer Nutzerinnen

Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung von Instagram-Werbung. Eine Vergleichsstudie deutscher und britischer Nutzerinnen

36.99 €

Perfektionismus bei Jura-Studierenden

Perfektionismus bei Jura-Studierenden

36.99 €

Die Herausforderungen der Kundengewinnung und Kundenbindung in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie

Die Herausforderungen der Kundengewinnung und Kundenbindung in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie

39.99 €

Untersuchung wirksamer Strategien zur nachhaltigen Festivalkommunikation

Untersuchung wirksamer Strategien zur nachhaltigen Festivalkommunikation

24.99 €

Resilienz und Veränderungsbereitschaft im Kontext des Change Managements

Resilienz und Veränderungsbereitschaft im Kontext des Change Managements

39.99 €

IFRS 18. Auswirkungen auf das Rechnungswesen und die Wirtschaftsprüfung

IFRS 18. Auswirkungen auf das Rechnungswesen und die Wirtschaftsprüfung

39.99 €

Leitfaden zur Unternehmensgründung. Der Badmöbelhersteller Artestel Design UG

Leitfaden zur Unternehmensgründung. Der Badmöbelhersteller Artestel Design UG

36.99 €

Mitarbeiterführung unterschiedlicher Generationen. Eine quantitative Untersuchung mit dem Fokus auf die Generation Z

Mitarbeiterführung unterschiedlicher Generationen. Eine quantitative Untersuchung mit dem Fokus auf die Generation Z

36.99 €

Kundenbindung im digitalen Zeitalter. Die Rolle von Online-Communities im CRM

Kundenbindung im digitalen Zeitalter. Die Rolle von Online-Communities im CRM

29.99 €

Künstliche Intelligenz und die mögliche Diskriminierung von Geschlechtern

Künstliche Intelligenz und die mögliche Diskriminierung von Geschlechtern

18.99 €

Warum will die Europäische Zentralbank einen digitalen Euro einführen? Ausgestaltung, Chancen und Risiken des Plans

Warum will die Europäische Zentralbank einen digitalen Euro einführen? Ausgestaltung, Chancen und Risiken des Plans

29.99 €

Von tyrannischen Tieren und miserablen Menschen. Gewalt, Verbrechen und Strafe in den Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm

Von tyrannischen Tieren und miserablen Menschen. Gewalt, Verbrechen und Strafe in den Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm

36.99 €

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