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Science Factory
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Science Factory stands out in particular for its diversity of thematic areas covered. For the high-quality volumes, our editorial team selects only studies on the latest topics.

In addition to business and marketing topics, Science Factory books also cover current questions in the fields of psychology, sociology, tourism, health/care, pedagogy, media, computer science, engineering, social work or project management. In addition, you will find the latest findings from subjects such as nutrition sciences, philosophy or theology. Convince yourself of the wide selection of high-quality textbooks in the Imprint Science Factory!

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  • Silicon China. A country of boundless opportunity?

    Silicon China. A country of boundless opportunity?

    18.99 €

    English as a foreign language in the modern working environment. The importance of Legal English in international law offices

    English as a foreign language in the modern working environment. The importance of Legal English in international law offices

    36.99 €

    Customer journey analytics for the financial sector. How do customers make decisions regarding their bank?

    Customer journey analytics for the financial sector. How do customers make decisions regarding their bank?

    36.99 €

    Sustainable business models in the context of the circular economy. How can a company produce and deliver products using sustainable methods?

    Sustainable business models in the context of the circular economy. How can a company produce and deliver products using sustainable methods?

    18.99 €

    Tesla’s current state and brand potential. How to derive a brand meaning and create a future that inspires

    Tesla’s current state and brand potential. How to derive a brand meaning and create a future that inspires

    36.99 €

    State of the Art Implementation of Big Data in Strategic and Operative Marketing. Challenges and Effective Responses

    State of the Art Implementation of Big Data in Strategic and Operative Marketing. Challenges and Effective Responses

    36.99 €

    Francis Scott Fitzgerald: The great Author

    Francis Scott Fitzgerald: The great Author

    34.99 €

    How to recruit Generation Z. Successful and sustainable recruiting strategies for attracting young potential employees

    How to recruit Generation Z. Successful and sustainable recruiting strategies for attracting young potential employees

    36.99 €

    Autonomous Vehicles in Germany. An Exploration of the Technology, Legal and Regulatory Environment, and Customer Readiness

    Autonomous Vehicles in Germany. An Exploration of the Technology, Legal and Regulatory Environment, and Customer Readiness

    19.99 €

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  • ADHS. Symptome, Ursachen und Einflussfaktoren

    ADHS. Symptome, Ursachen und Einflussfaktoren

    24.99 €

    Teufelskreis Essstörung

    Teufelskreis Essstörung

    24.99 €

    Weiblich, qualifiziert, unterbezahlt. Die Benachteiligung von Frauen am Arbeitsmarkt

    Weiblich, qualifiziert, unterbezahlt. Die Benachteiligung von Frauen am Arbeitsmarkt

    14.99 €

    Kinder, Kinder!  Die Familienpolitik Deutschlands

    Kinder, Kinder! Die Familienpolitik Deutschlands

    19.99 €

    Crowdfunding – ein Finanzierungsmodell für Kulturprojekte?

    Crowdfunding – ein Finanzierungsmodell für Kulturprojekte?

    39.99 €

    Open Source-Software. Chance und Risiko für Unternehmen

    Open Source-Software. Chance und Risiko für Unternehmen

    34.99 €

    Aktfotografie: Ist das noch Porno, oder ist es schon Kunst?

    Aktfotografie: Ist das noch Porno, oder ist es schon Kunst?

    29.99 €

    Qigong – Alternative Heilmethode und neuer Therapieansatz

    Qigong – Alternative Heilmethode und neuer Therapieansatz

    24.99 €

    Recht auf Leben – von Anfang an?

    Recht auf Leben – von Anfang an?

    34.99 €

    Überwachung, Zersetzung, Vertreibung. Die Methoden der Stasi aus der Perspektive von Tätern und Opfern

    Überwachung, Zersetzung, Vertreibung. Die Methoden der Stasi aus der Perspektive von Tätern und Opfern

    29.99 €

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